
fǎn miàn jiào cái
  • Negative teaching materials;teaching material by negative example;material for teaching by negative example
反面教材[fǎn miàn jiào cái]
  1. 它可以作反面教材。

    It may serve as teaching material by negative example .

  2. 然而,这笔交易没能成为tpg插足快速增长市场的成功范例,现在看来,整个过程反而更像是一个反面教材。

    Yet instead of giving TPG a foothold in fast-growing markets , the deal now looks to be a cautionary tale .

  3. 充当反面教材,并且自嘲。

    Be the cautionary tale . And laugh at yourself .

  4. 真应该当计划生育的反面教材。

    Ought to be the poster chiid for birth control .

  5. 反面教材警钟长鸣&胡长清、成克杰犯罪案件的警示

    The Alarming Bell Sounding Forever & The warning from Hu and Cheng Cases

  6. 但由于投资强调信任,俄罗斯又一次成为了反面教材。

    But because investing requires confidence , Russia is again proving a damper .

  7. 苹果最近就再一次成为了“反面教材”。

    Again , Apple offers a useful example .

  8. 而小布什和奥巴马分别以不同的方式展示了反面教材。

    In their very different ways , Bush Jr and Obama show the opposite .

  9. 凭借你的经验,你会是一个很好的例子。注:反面教材?

    With your experience not amounting to anything , you could be a wonderful example .

  10. 这对于设计新市中心是个最佳的反面教材。

    It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre .

  11. 而且检方所用的证据为交易员们提供了反面教材。

    And the evidence wielded by prosecutors provides a road map of what not to do .

  12. 每一次经济危机都是经济从业人员的最好的反面教材,这次次贷危机也不例外,尤其是对于有志于从事银行研究的金融从业人员。

    Each financial crisis is the best negative example for every financial practitioners , especially this one .

  13. 美国的次贷危机为其他国家提供了金融自由化的反面教材。

    America 's subprime meltdown is not , it seems , the best advertisement for unfettered finance elsewhere .

  14. 对于大多数家长来说,吴萌的故事仅仅是崇拜偶像中一个反面教材。

    To many parents , Wu 's story is just another bad example of the dangers of idol worship .

  15. 该公司高层对此事的处理失当,必将成为管理学的反面教材(尽管目前有关丰田在技术方面存在严重问题的指控并没有得到证实,但其负面影响已让公司苦不堪言)。

    ( allegations of serious technical flaws have not proven credible , but the fallout has nevertheless hobbled the company . )

  16. 姐夫还粗鲁的把乔丹帮助队友的方式打上“反面教材”的标签。

    Van Gundy crudely labeled Michael Jordan a " con man " for the way he tried to help other players .

  17. 这可以作为我们今天的反面教材,又能给今天的青少年性教育工作带来一些启示和思考。

    These novels can serve as a reflective mirror to provide some lessons and insights for our present sex education for adolescents .

  18. 英法联盟可追溯至1904年的友好协议和两次世界大战期间的联盟,但这次羞辱成了反面教材。

    Britain and France , whose alliance dated to the entente cordiale of1904 and two world wars , drew opposite lessons from this humiliation .

  19. 然而与此同时,在借欧洲之镜来照亚洲之形的时候,若只是着眼那些失误的政策,将欧洲作为反面教材,恐怕也不妥当。

    At the same time , it would be a mistake for Asia to look to Europe solely for lessons on which policies to avoid .

  20. 发行《参考消息》以及出版其他反面教材,就是种牛痘,增强干部和群众在政治上的免疫力。

    The publication of News for Reference and other negative teaching material is " vaccination " to increase the political immunity of the cadres and the masses .

  21. 一个不符合中国国情;严重违反预算限制;与区域性文化特色背道而驰的建筑物,就是最现实的反面教材。

    This project diverges from Chinese social and political practice , it lapses from budget limitations , it ignores the cultural customs ; it is the worst example for architecture .

  22. 这起事故是又一例反面教材--把狗狗留在很热的车子里是不对的,即使开着空调也不行。

    The incident is yet another lesson in why it 's a bad idea to leave your dog in a hot car , even if the air conditioning is on .

  23. 可是我自己是个反面教材。快餐啤酒不能促进学业,果汁和酸奶也不行。我就是个活证据。

    I am , however , a testament to the opposing theory and very much living proof that juice and yoghurt cannot fuel academic studies as well as beer and takeaway food .

  24. 在新的历史时期,党内极少数领导干部经受不住考验,堕落成罪犯,李真就是其中一个典型的反面教材。

    In new historical period , there are very few leading cadre could not undergo the tests , they became criminals , in which Li is a typical teaching material of reverse side .

  25. 在经济全球化语境下,儒家伦理既有作为反面教材的警示功能又有为现代化提供动力支持的根源性优势之精神动源作用。

    Under the background of the economic globalization , the Confucian ethics can be either the villain of the piece as a caution or the original pushing force to support the modernization in China .

  26. 着眼于男性角色间的联系,评论家们称赞《拆弹专家》避免了公开的政治主张(反面教材正是《阿凡达》),取而代之的是描述了一幅令人信服的当代战争画面。

    By focusing on these male relationships , critics praised The Hurt Locker for avoiding overt political statements ( something Avatar was heavily criticized for ), and instead painting a truthful picture of modern war .

  27. 法官以她为别人做了一个反面教材,因为她是一个名人,但是偶觉得这样子对她素很不公平的。

    So we did what we had to do to protect her * The judge is making an example out of her because of her celebrity status , which I don 't think is fair .

  28. 由于认识上的片面性和期望的不合理性;家长的劳动教育观念发生偏离。忽视家庭劳动教育甚至视其为反面教材鞭策自我。

    Owing to their lopsided cognition and irrationality of their expectations , parents ' notion of education through labor is deviated , neglecting the home education through labor and even regarding it as a negative example .

  29. 雅虎显然是一个生动的反面教材:要想扭转公司颓势,巴茨并非合适的领导者,但无能的董事会却未能及早发现这一点。

    Yahoo could not & this was a case of a troubled company , an ill-fitting chief , and a board too weak to acknowledge early on that Bartz wasn 't right for the turnaround challenge .

  30. 壳牌公司一直表现良好,从不是违法乱纪的反面教材,所发薪酬与其他的大型石油公司相当,其股东先前对公司的那些规定的执行也总是睁只眼闭只眼。

    Shell is hardly a poster child for malfeasance : it is performing well , its pay is similar to that at other big oil firms and its shareholders previously gave directors discretion to bend the rules .