
  • 网络SWAT;S.W.A.T.;S.W
  1. 我正在找反恐特警组的指挥官确认这一情况。

    I 'm going to make my way to the Swat commander now for confirmation .

  2. 5月23日,星期一,我们终于得到了来自密苏里州哥伦比亚市的帮助,是我们的儿子和一些反恐特警组的人。

    Monday , May23 , brought help from Columbia , Missouri , in the form of our son and some SWAT members .

  3. 有时你即使做了一件对事,其实是做了一件错事~《反恐特警组》。

    Some time you doing the right thing isn 't doing the right thing . ~ .

  4. 同时,阿拉巴马反恐特警组正努力营救被绑架的儿童,这名儿童被关在蒙哥马利南部乡镇米德兰的一处地窑中。

    Meanwhile , an Alabama SWAT team is trying to rescue a child being held hostage in a bunker in a rural town of Midland City , south of Montgomery .