
  • 网络reaction-diffusion;reaction diffusion
  1. 一类时滞广义Logistic反应扩散方程的波前解

    Traveling Wave Fronts of a Generalized Logistic Reaction-diffusion Equation with Delay

  2. 一类具有Logistic项的反应扩散方程的显式精确解

    Explicit and Exact Solution for a Reaction-diffusion Equation with Logistic Term

  3. 退化反应扩散方程熄灭(quenching)点的唯一性

    The uniqueness of quenching points for Degenerate Reaction - diffusion equations

  4. 一个Fisher型反应扩散方程解的全局Threshold现象

    A global threshold for a fisher 's reaction-diffusion equation

  5. 带记忆的非线性反应扩散方程的Laplace数值逆解法

    Numerical inversion of the Laplace transform of reaction-diffusion equations with memory

  6. 具奇异系数的反应扩散方程组Cauchy问题

    On the Cauchy Problem for a Reaction-Diffusion System with Singular Coefficients

  7. 两参数非局部非线性反应扩散Robin问题的渐近解

    Asymptotic Solution of Nonlocal Nonlinear Reaction Diffusion Robin Problems With Two Parameters

  8. 具有Volterra型非线性边界条件的反应扩散方程的单调迭代法

    Monotone Iterative Method of Reaction-Diffusion Equation with Volterra Type Nonlinear Boundary Condition

  9. 基于MPI的反应扩散方程的并行计算

    Parallel computing of reaction-diffusion equation based on MPI

  10. 反应扩散方程组的单调紧ADI方法

    A Monotone Compact ADI Method for Systems of Reaction-Diffusion Equations

  11. 具有反应扩散的二阶Hopfield神经网络稳态解的存在唯一性

    Existence and Uniqueness of Stable Solutions for Second Order Hopfield Neural Networks with Reaction and Diffusion

  12. 一类反应扩散过程的无穷小算子在Banach和Hilbert空间的有界性

    The boundary of a class of infinitesimal operators of reaction and diffusion process in Hilbert and Banach space

  13. 退缩反应扩散方程解的blow-up与一致有界性

    The Blow-up and Uniform Boundness for the Solutions of Degenerate Reaction-Diffusion Equations

  14. 一类奇异半线性反应扩散方程组Cauchy问题解的Blow-up问题

    The Blow-up Problems of the Cauchy Problems of a Class of Semilinear Singular Reaction-diffusion System

  15. Fe-Ti多层调制膜固态反应扩散的动态原位法X射线衍射研究

    Study on solid state reaction interdiffusion of Fe-Ti multilayer modulated films with dynamic in situ X-ray diffraction

  16. BZ反应扩散系统的计算机模拟及其在图像处理中的应用

    Numerical Simulation of Bz Reaction-Diffusion System and Its Application in Image Processing

  17. 一维Tyson反应扩散模型的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis for One Dimensional Tyson 's Reaction Diffusion Model

  18. 通过构造适当的平均Lyapunov函数,利用M矩阵理论,研究了一类具有反应扩散的Hopfield神经网络的全局稳定性。

    Even type Lyapunov functions were constructed based on M-matrix theory to study the globally asymptotic stability of Hopfield networks with reaction-diffusion .

  19. 对流扩散方程的间断有限元方法研究反应扩散方程组的单调紧ADI方法

    The Study with DG-FEM for Convection-diffusion Equation A Monotone Compact ADI Method for Systems of Reaction-Diffusion Equations

  20. 反应扩散方程相应格点系统的吸引子和Kolmogorovε熵

    Attractors and Kolmogorov 's ε - Entropy for Lattice Systems Corresponding to Reaction-diffusion Equation

  21. 讨论了在齐次Neumann边界条件下具有比率依赖型捕食反应扩散模型。

    Subject to the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition , a ratio-dependent predator-prey reaction diffusion model is discussed .

  22. 反应扩散法制备的PbMo6S8超导带的超导特性

    The superconducting properties of pbmo_6s_8 tapes prepared by reaction diffusion method

  23. 设计了一种运用Lyapunov直接法研究随机反应扩散系统的稳定、镇定与控制的方法,并利用该方法建立了随机反应扩散系统稳定性的基本理论。

    An approach is designed to study stability , stabilization and control problem of stochastic systems with reaction-diffusions . The approach is based on Lyapunov direct method .

  24. 本文引入高维反应扩散方程的非线性Galerkin方法,并证明了这种方法的收敛性。

    This paper deals with nonlinear Galerkin 's methods for reaction diffusion equations in high space dimension , and the convergence results are given .

  25. 本文采用Hopf分支理论,讨论了一类反应扩散方程组的周期行波解。

    In this paper , We discussed the periodic travelling wave solutions for a class of reaction-diffusion systems applying the theory of Hopf bifurcation .

  26. 本文考虑水生生态系统中种群间能产生抑制毒素的Volterra竞争模型,提出一个带时滞的弱耦合反应扩散方程组。

    A Volterra competing model that arises in plankton allelopathy is considered in this paper . A delay weakly coupled reaction diffusion system is proposed .

  27. 一类反应扩散方程组的Neumann边值问题整体解的存在性与Blow-up问题

    The Existence of Global Solutions and the Blow-up Behaviour of Solutions for Neumann Boundary Value Problem for a Class of Reaction Diffusion Equations

  28. 考虑一强耦合反应扩散模型,建立此类模型的特征差分格式,并作出其误差分析,得到最优L2模误差估计。

    This paper is concerned with a strongly coupled reaction diffusion model . The characteristic difference scheme of the model is established . Some analysis of the error has been given .

  29. 求解反应扩散问题的Wavelet-Galerkin方法

    Wavelet-Galerkin method for the reaction - diffusion equation

  30. Brusselator反应扩散模型的Auto-Darboux变换和精确解

    Auto-Darboux Transformation and Exact Solutions of the Brusselator Reaction Diffusion