
I don 't agree with the ideology of capitalism .
Did the Gang really want to build socialism and oppose the restoration of capitalism ?
Liang both opposed bourgeois economic system , and also the social based economic system .
For as recession bites , there is real danger of a backlash against capitalism itself .
We oppose socialism to capitalism .
As a result of capitalist globalization , the prospect of our world will be socialism but not capitalism .
All those who fought back against capitalism were vilified mercilessly by the Murdoch and right-wing gutter media in general .
He holds that ecology is anti ? capitalism , and capitalistic production mode is the root cause of the eco ? crisis .
Their " revolution " however is bluntly undermined by the relentlessly ubiquitous presence of " Starbucks ", rendering their ambitions futile against an encroaching capitalism .
In economy , he rejected overproduction and over competition of ( capitalism ), and he ( advocated ) the economic mode which combined planning with market-oriented economy .
A psychiatric nurse who works in the first-aid tent says he is not anti-capitalist but consumerism has much in common with the addictive behaviour he sees at work .
For products of the English public school , apt to despise trade , it was but a small step to reject capitalism , and place faith in greater state control .
One top European official , ( French , not British ) groaned recently that : The average anti-capitalist demonstrator in London has more understanding of how markets work than the average German politician .
There are many questions hanging over global financial markets , but none more pertinent , perhaps , than the following : will the global economy rebound in time to quell rising discontent among the millions of workers who have turned violently in some cases against capitalism ?
Looking at the five different stages , she followed products from extraction all the way to disposal . Leonard has been accused of being anti-capitalist and anti-stuff , but insists that , actually , she is pro-stuff , although , she admits , most of her possessions are second-hand .
He emphasized that " Benefit returns to me " and he opposed foreign capitalist economic invasion .
JORGE CASTANEDA : The left 's main issue since the middle of the19th century has been inequality that accompanies capitalism .
However , we should not mistakenly carry over the struggle against capitalist ideas within the party to the field of social economy and oppose the capitalist sector of the economy .
Indeed the history of modern China is a history of imperialist aggression , of imperialist opposition to China 's independence and to her development of capitalism .