
  1. 购买用反光材料制成的服装,这样司机比较容易看到你。

    Invest in clothes with reflective material so you are visible to drivers .

  2. 反光材料的转移法加工技术

    Reflective material production with transfer method

  3. 最后,高反光材料被研制出来,红色停车标志也诞生了。

    Finally , highly reflective materials were developed and red stop signs were born .

  4. 用PSD精确测量软质低反光材料

    Precision Measurement for Soft and Low reflectivity Material with PSD

  5. 全反射式逆向反光材料的光学机理

    On Optical Mechanism of the " Retro-directed " Total Reflecting Material

  6. 最后列举了逆反光材料的应用。

    Finally , typical applications of retroreflectors and retroreflecting materials are given .

  7. 回归式反光材料研究现状分析

    Analysis of the present situation in the retro reflective materials

  8. 反光材料用阻燃丙烯酸酯类涂层胶粘剂的研制甲基丙烯酸硅二醇双酯改性氯化聚丙烯胶粘剂的研究

    Study on preparation of flame-retarding polyacrylate coating adhesive used for reflecting materials

  9. 不同反光材料对设施栽培葡萄生长和果实品质的效应

    Effect of Different Reflector Materials on Grape Growth and Fruit Quality in Greenhouse

  10. 新型装饰反光材料&氮化锆多层膜多涂层吸波体的计算机智能化设计

    DEVELOPMENT OF NEW DECORATIVE REFLECTIVE MATERIAL-ZrN MULTI-COATING Intelligent Computer-Aided Design for Multi-Coating Layer Absorber

  11. 6.选择反光材料

    Step 6 Invest in reflective material

  12. 反光材料是由高折射率的玻璃微珠和特殊的合成树脂通过复杂的工艺组合而成的。

    Reflective material is made from high refractive index glass beads and a special synthetic resin through a combination of complex processes .

  13. 南京铭灿工贸有限公司成立于2003年,公司有着多年的反光材料制作经验!

    Industry and Trade Co. , Ltd. , Nanjing Ming-Can was established in2003 , the company has many years experience of reflective material !

  14. 讲述了反光材料的反光性能和反光强度的测试原理,介绍了嵌入式反光材料反光强度测试系统的整体结构。

    The reflective properties and testing principles of reflective material are described . The overall structure of embedded reflective material reflective intensity testing system is introduced .

  15. 本文就如何合理选择反光材料,以保证在公路运行安全的前提下使公路建设更为经济合理,提出一些看法。

    This paper put forward some views on how to choose reflecting material rationally to make highway construction economical and rational on the condition of guaranteeing transportation safety .

  16. 经常在夜间外出活动的儿童,其着装色彩应加反光材料和荧光物质,易引起行人和车辆的重视与警觉。

    Activities often go out at night , children , their dress color should be added reflective material and fluorescent material , it can lead pedestrians and vehicles attention and vigilance .

  17. 笛卡尔线常出现在透明球体中,如产生虹现象的水珠和微珠型回归反光材料中的透明微珠,其特殊的反光特性与笛卡尔线有密切关系。

    Descartes ray often appears in the transparent spheroid , such as water drop which produces rainbow and the transparent micro-bead in micro-bead return reflecting materials , the special light reflecting characteristic of which has close relation with Descartes ray .

  18. 本文简介热塑反光标线材料组成、技术指标以及在高等级公路上的应用。

    The paper introduced Contents and technical specifications of heating plastic reflectorised paint line materials , and application in high grade highway .

  19. 楼宇外部采用反光率最小化的材料。

    Building exteriors use materials to minimize reflected sun .

  20. 特点:该灯具灯座采用强力压铸铝合金制作,灯体采用专用合金材料,反光罩采用聚碳酸酯材料。

    Charactristics : Lampholder is made from die-casting strength aluminum alloy and the body from special alloy materials and the reflector from PC.