首页 / 词典 / good

  • two;twin;both;dual
  • pair
  • 两个,一对:一~鞋。~杠。~重(chǒng )。~方。~管齐下。~豆塞聪(耳被堵塞,一无所闻)。~瞳剪水(形容眼珠的清澈)。智勇~全。盖世无~。

  • 偶,与“单”相对:~数。~号。

  • 加倍的:~料。~份。

  • 姓。


(两个) two; twin; both; dual:

  • 双发动机飞机

    twin-engined plane;

  • 双向交通

    two-way traffic;

  • 成对成双

    in pairs


(偶数的) even:

  • 双号座位

    even-numbered seats;

  • 双数

    even numbers


(加倍的) double; twofold:

  • 双份

    double the amount; twice as much


(用于成对的东西) pair:

  • 一双筷子

    a pair of chopsticks;

  • 一双鞋

    a pair of shoes


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 双福

    Shuang Fu

  1. 一双凶狠的眼睛对着他们怒目而视。

    Two fierce eyes glared at them .

  2. 双音节单词

    a word with two syllables

  3. 试试这双鞋的大小,你穿应该合脚。

    Try these shoes for size ─ they should fit you .

  4. 我从双筒望远镜看只见一团模模糊糊的东西。

    I saw it as a dim fuzz through the binoculars .

  5. 她抬头望着,满脸困惑,双眉紧锁。

    She looked up with a puzzled frown on her face .

  6. 他穿了一双完全不适合登山的鞋子。

    He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing .

  7. 这双鞋脏了,我要穿别的鞋。

    I 'll wear my other shoes ─ these are dirty .

  8. 他有一张大嘴巴,一双滑稽的灰眼睛。

    He had a wide mouth and humorous grey eyes .

  9. 他在这盘发球出现了一些双误。

    He has served a number of double faults in this set .

  10. 她双颊泛出红晕,视线转向别处。

    She looked away as the colour flooded her cheeks .

  11. 这双鞋略有点紧。

    These shoes are a little on the tight side .

  12. 我穿这双鞋太大了一点。

    These shoes are a little too big for me .

  13. 我在车里放有一双供替换的鞋。

    I keep a change of shoes in the car .

  14. 他扬起双眉装出一副惊奇的样子。

    He raised his eyebrows with an affectation of surprise .

  15. 雕像用一双盲眼俯视着他们。

    The statue stared down at them with sightless eyes .

  16. 你这双鞋应该能穿到明年。

    These shoes should last you till next year .

  17. 我打算给自己买双新鞋。

    I 'm going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes .

  18. 她用一双敏锐的蓝眼睛盯着我。

    She looked at me with piercing blue eyes .

  19. 他的一双蓝眼睛似乎要穿透她。

    His blue eyes seemed to bore into her .

  20. 嫌疑犯有着一头黑发和一双绿眼睛。

    The suspect has dark hair and green eyes .

  21. 这双鞋聚会时穿不合适。

    These shoes won 't do for the party .

  22. 我们用双筒望远镜观鸟。

    We looked at the birds through binoculars .

  23. 这双新鞋穿起来不太舒服。

    These new shoes are not very comfortable .

  24. 这双鞋太紧了。

    These shoes are much too tight .

  25. 他和我一样有一双蓝眼睛。

    He has blue eyes like me .

  26. 她吻了吻他的双颊。

    She kissed him on both cheeks .

  27. 这副双筒望远镜的焦距不对。

    The binoculars were not in focus .

  28. 这双鞋从旁边上扣。

    These shoes buckle at the side .

  29. 这双新鞋夹脚。

    These new shoes pinch .

  30. 她双颊绯红。

    Her cheeks were glowing .