
  • 网络chariot;Quadriga
  1. 图中是伊特鲁里亚双轮战车的车轮(约在公元前530年)。

    Pictured is the Wheel of the Etruscan chariot ( ca. 530 BC )

  2. 不驾双轮战车的时候,他骑着战无不胜的白象艾拉瓦塔,它有着四颗象牙,如同一座圣洁的山。

    When not in his chariot , indra rode on the great white elephant Airavata , who was always victorious , and who had four tusks which resembled a sacred mountain .

  3. 驾驶双轮双马的古战车进行的速度赛。

    A race between ancient chariots .