
  1. 不,不是。它是她的双肩背包。

    No , it isn ' t.It is her backpack .

  2. 是说,有更多的黑客在他的双肩背包。

    Well Total_Noob is said to have more hacks in his backpack .

  3. 此款舒适平整的双肩背包将使你欣喜若狂。

    The smooth fit of this backpack will surprise you .

  4. 她在你的双肩背包里找到了这些。

    Said she found these in your shoulder bag .

  5. 沙发上有一个双肩背包。

    There is a backpack on the sofa .

  6. 你的双肩背包是什么颜色的?

    What color is your backpack ?

  7. 把背带穿过背带环。当旅行的时候,随身带一个双肩背包是很有必要的。

    Run the strap through the strap eyelet as shown . It is necessary to take a back-pack while hiking .

  8. 此包专门是为了你能蹦跑,攀岩或是在粗旷的土地上骑车而设计的坚固的双肩背包。

    It 's designed for the one who needs a sturdy backpack which allows you to run , climb or ride your bike in rough terrain .

  9. 金属壁系统由两个主要部分构成:第一部分是一套机械臂,它就像一个高科技的双肩背包一样背在佩戴者身上。

    The MetaLimbs system is built up of two main parts : The first is a set of robotic limbs that rest on the wearer like a tech-heavy backpack .