
shuānɡ tǒnɡ wànɡ yuǎn jìnɡ
  • binoculars;field glasses
  1. 我们用双筒望远镜观鸟。

    We looked at the birds through binoculars .

  2. 这副双筒望远镜的焦距不对。

    The binoculars were not in focus .

  3. 我从双筒望远镜看只见一团模模糊糊的东西。

    I saw it as a dim fuzz through the binoculars .

  4. 他找到双筒望远镜,然后调焦对准那艘船看。

    He found the binoculars and focused them on the boat

  5. 布赖恩数到20,然后举起双筒望远镜。

    Brian counted to twenty and lifted his binoculars .

  6. 他再一次举起双筒望远镜,瞄准了11层的一个房间。

    He raised the binoculars again and zeroed in on an eleventh-floor room .

  7. 布赖恩数到20,举起了双筒望远镜。埃琳娜也照着做了。

    Brian counted to twenty and lifted his binoculars . Elena did the same

  8. 他再一次把双筒望远镜举到眼前,仔细观察整个现场。

    He raised the binoculars to his eye again , scanning across the scene .

  9. 她将双筒望远镜对准地平线。

    She trained her binoculars on the horizon

  10. 他用双筒望远镜看戏。

    He watched the play through his binoculars .

  11. 军用双筒望远镜。军用MiG-31实物&双座超音速全天候远程拦截机。

    Real military MiG-31 – two seat supersonic all-weather long-range interceptor .

  12. 提高双筒望远镜喷漆一次合格率体会

    Experience on raising one - turn - qualification rate of binocular

  13. 观察野鸟的人用双筒望远镜扫视树木。

    The bird - watcher raked the trees with his binoculars .

  14. 男人拿起双筒望远镜眺望前面那青翠的半岛。

    The man focused some binoculars on the green peninsula ahead .

  15. 严格地说,这些数目字实际上仅适用于双筒望远镜的观测。

    All these figures actually apply strictly only to binocular observations .

  16. 我们只是想进入能使用我们的双筒望远镜的观察范围。

    We just want to get within range to use our binoculars .

  17. 他取出双筒望远镜并调整了焦距。

    He took out the binoculars and adjusted the focus .

  18. 喔,你有将双筒望远镜装箱吗,亲爱的?

    Oh , did you remember to pack the binoculars , honey ?

  19. 我们用双筒望远镜看着它。

    I looked at it through a pair of binoculars .

  20. 然后准备一副双筒望远镜和笔记本。

    Then get a pair of binoculars and a notebook .

  21. 而这远在剧院用双筒望远镜发明之前。

    and this was long before theater binoculars were invented .

  22. 斯戴克和其他人急忙拿着双筒望远镜上到了屋顶。

    Stack and others hurried to the roof with binoculars .

  23. 我们可以通过双筒望远镜观看这场赛跑。

    We can watch the racing through the binoculars .

  24. 透过双筒望远镜,我看清楚了,是爸爸!

    I looked through my binoculars , and saw that it was father !

  25. 这些是我最喜欢的双筒望远镜。

    These are the binoculars that I like best .

  26. 双筒望远镜的国内外市场状况及其发展趋势

    Domestic and Overseas Market and Development Trends of Binocular

  27. 双筒望远镜光轴平行度测量方法的讨论

    A discussion about measurement method of parallelism of optical axis of binocular telescope

  28. 为了提高双筒望远镜的性能,我们介绍辅助望远镜。

    In order to increase the performance of binoculars we recommend supplementary telescopes .

  29. 他用双筒望远镜看摩托车比赛。

    He watched the motorcycle race through his binoculars .

  30. 他把双筒望远镜对准远处的景物。

    He trained his binoculars on the distant figures .