
  • 网络Heroic Duo;Full Clip;Welcome to the Punch;Superman;Erman
  1. 我要找的另一部电影叫《夺面双雄》。

    Another one I 'm looking for is called Face Off .

  2. 她最爱看电视节目《飞车双雄》。

    Her favorite show 's the Dukes of hazzard .

  3. 奥森双雄上市了,我想投资。

    The Olsen twins went public , and I 'm looking to invest .

  4. 你还记得电影“急速双雄”吗?

    You remember starsky and hutch ?

  5. 电影传奇20世纪福克斯:《双雄》

    20th Century - Fox Film Corp.

  6. 弗格森表示,对于阿森纳和切尔西没有在夏季转会市场上有太多的动作,他有一些惊讶。这名曼联教练希望伦敦双雄能在转会窗口关闭之前签下新的球员。

    Sir Alex Ferguson admits he is surprised Arsenal and Chelsea have not been more active in the summer market .

  7. 浙江义乌双雄五金工具厂是一家专业生产、销售:测电笔、电动螺丝刀、电动工具的专业厂家。

    The Xiongxiong hardware tools factory is product and sale the test pencil , the electric screwdriver and the electric tool .

  8. 分析人士称,中国资本最近对米兰双雄做出的举动符合国人因对投资欧洲足坛的兴趣而进行的更广泛努力。

    Analysts said the recent moves on Milan clubs fit a broader effort by Chinese interests to invest in European soccer .

  9. 西甲双雄皇家马德里和巴塞罗那也在追随者之中,这名新星的经纪人费德里克·帕斯托雷罗承认事情将很快会有结果。

    Real Madrid and Barcelona are also admirers of the classy defender and his agent Federico Pastorello admits something could happen soon .

  10. 麦兆辉、庄文强双雄再次联手,电影已经完成三个月的拍摄,近期在后期制作中。

    Directed and written by Allan Mak and Felix Chong , the film has finished its three-month shooting and is currently in post-production .

  11. 以腾讯与淘宝双雄的纠纷为例,对网络虚拟财产的含义、法律地位进行了探讨。

    Taking the disputes of Tengxun and Taobao Shuangxiong as the examples , this paper probes into the connotation and legal status of network virtual property .

  12. 他们已经取得了一些大的收购,不过,在巴西双雄阿韦利诺科埃略和前锋格拉菲特,随着智利国际路易斯-希门尼斯。

    They have already made some big acquisitions , though , in Brazilian duo Avelino Coelho and striker Grafite , along with Chilean international Luis Jimenez .

  13. 红军铁闸相信,默西塞德落难双雄都将摆脱目前的窘境。但对罗伊·霍奇森的球队而言,在德比战中拿下三分无疑将是一场及时雨。

    The Reds stalwart is confident both sides will rise above their respective positions but admits three points would be a timely boost for Roy Hodgson 's men .

  14. 第五章是电影《夺面双雄》解码分析,主要包括受众的影视解码过程,电影意义的生成和解码者立场的检验。

    The fifth chapter is the movie " Face off " decoding analysis , including video decoding process of the audience , the film generating meaning and three decoding stand .

  15. 19世纪末,当台球公开赛成了盛装庆事,只能买到站票的时候,美国台球双雄迈克费兰和杜德利卡文纳长达20年之久的霸,吸引了众人的目光,赢得了尊敬。

    The 20-year rivalry of American pool masters Michael Phelan and Dudley Kavanagh in the late 19th century , however , attracted attention and respect as tournaments became standing-room-only tuxedo affairs .

  16. 棋艺馆有着浓郁的象棋氛围,是培养和造就一流象棋人才的沃土,包括著名的中国象棋特级大师杨官璘和陈松顺,以及“岭南双雄”吕钦和许银川。

    Chess House who has dense chess atmosphere have brought up top-grade chess player , including Chen Guanlin who was an chinese chess expert player and Chen Songshun , LuQin , Xu Yinchuan .

  17. 除了一种华语演员外,他还力邀了好莱坞双雄的加盟:扮演天主教神父的蒂姆罗宾斯以及饰演美国记者白修德的亚德里安布劳迪。

    Joining the strong Chinese cast are two big names from Hollywood : Tim Robbins ( who plays a Catholic priest ) and Adrien Brody ( who plays American journalist Theodore White ) .

  18. 要想明白吴宇森和周润发合作的这部影片为何能够超越两人合作的另外两部在风格上更有成就的影片《喋血双雄》和《辣手神探》而成功获得一代人的关注,可能就相当于追溯香港的影迷历史。

    To understand how this particular John Woo-Chow Yun-fat collaboration - instead of their more stylistically accomplished The Killer or Hard Boiled - captured the imaginations of a generation is perhaps to chart the history of cinephilia in Hong Kong .

  19. 尽管《赤壁》被誉为吴宇森在好莱坞发展后的“归家之作”后,但对其香港作品崇拜的坚定追随者正不遗余力地挖掘自身的热血豪情和盛气凌人的男子气概,诚如《英雄本色》或《喋血双雄》中的子弹芭蕾。

    Although this is hailed as Woo 's " homecoming " after his Hollywood tenure , hardcore disciples of his Hong Kong oeuvre will be straining hard to find the all-stops-out passion and sinewy machismo that ignited his bullet ballets such as " A Better Tomorrow " or " The Killer . "