
shuānɡ wéi
  • two-dimensional
  1. 大面积双维位置灵敏电离室离线数据分析程序

    An off-line data analysis program with a large area two-dimensional position sensitive ionization chamber

  2. 西方社会价值取向的研究经历了从双维模型到整合模型的发展。

    Researches on social value orientation in western countries presented a theoretical development from the two-dimensional model to the integrative model .

  3. 两例均经双维彩色脉冲多普勒超声心动图和CT检查证实。

    The diagnosis of both cases were confirmed by means of 2-dimentional echocardiography with colored Doppler and CT scan .

  4. 描述了一种双维位置灵敏CsI(Tl)探测器。

    The two-dimension positional sensitive CsI ( Tl ) detector is reported .

  5. 双维位置灵敏CsI(Tl)探测器

    Two-Dimension Positional Sensitive CsI ( Tl ) Detector

  6. BEL型双维振打式电除尘器的研发

    R & D on Electrical Precipitator with BEL Model

  7. 低气压双维位置灵敏多丝正比室的研制

    Development of Low Pressure Position Sensitive Multiwire Proportional Chamber

  8. 豆渣双维饮料的研制

    Development of a soybean residue fiber and vitamin drink

  9. 论企业竞争理论的双维演进

    On the Two-Dimension Evolution of Enterprise Competition Theories

  10. 双维谱原理及其应用

    The Principle and Application of Bispectrum

  11. 图书馆服务功能的双维考察

    Two-Dimension Review on Library Service Function

  12. 在理论上,对养育目标文化差异的解释呈现出从群体水平到个体水平、从单维到双维的发展趋势。

    Theories of these differences have been switching from group-level to individual-level , and from uni-dimension to dual-dimension .

  13. 与以往研究不同,本文采取双维匹配框架来分析中国社会的开放度。

    Different from existing related researches , this paper adopts " Dual-Dimension Assortative Mating Scheme " to analyze societal openness in China .

  14. 本程序是为离线分析由大面积双维位置灵敏电离室采集的多参数核事件数据设计的。

    The program is designed for processing the multi-parameter experimental data acquired by the large area position sensitive ionization chamber in nuclear reactions .

  15. 双维双变贮藏技术研究&金冠苹果呼吸速率的测定

    Study on the technique of the two - dimensional dynamic controlled atmosphere storage determination of the respiration rate of the gold crown apple

  16. 该模型的核心是双维体系结构,即来自用户本身的风险和来自协作企业的风险,它提高了用户选择合作企业过程中风险评判的客观性、可靠性。

    Being double-core system including user risk and collaborator risk , the mod el can promote objectivity and reliability of risk assessment in the process of user choosing collaborative enterprises .

  17. 与普通刑法相比,军事刑法价值的确立具有双维性,既要体现刑事法治,又要体现军事需要。

    Compared with ordinary criminal law , that establish the value of military criminal law , not only should reflect the criminal law , but also should reflect the military needs .

  18. 针对片上网络的网络分配里与任务映射相配合的路径分配中单维序路由策略限制了可行解空间的问题,本文提出了基于双维序路由策略的网络分配方法。

    As single dimension-ordered routing used in path allocation limits the solution space of mapping problem for networks on chip , a network assignment approach based on dual dimension-ordered routing was proposed .

  19. 而这双维的价值取向往往是冲突的,需要军事刑法在正义与功利、自由与秩序及权利保护与权力保障等价值要素中进行选择与平衡。

    These two kinds of value orientation is often conflicted . It needs military criminal law select and balance from justice and utilitarian , freedom and order , rights protection and power protection .

  20. 其中在路径分配步骤中采用了双维序路由法,并设计以带宽、延时和无死锁为约束条件,以降低动态及静态能耗为优化目标的遗传算法求解。

    Dual dimension-ordered routing method was adopted in the path allocation step , and a genetic algorithm was developed to minimize dynamic and static energy consumption subject to bandwidth , delay and lock-free constraints .

  21. 我们整合所得结果并取名为基于认知惰性的创业风险框架效应认知机制结构-框定双维模型。

    We concluded our findings and named it cognitive inertia based construction-framing double-dimension model for the cognitive mechanism of entrepreneurial risky framing effect . We discussed our results in the end of the study .

  22. 辨析这一社会形态理论内在的双维多级构造,对于整合马克思的社会形态理论以及整个历史哲学理论具有重要意义。

    Identifying and analyzing the internal two-dimensional and multi level structure in social morphology theory brings an important meaning to the integration of marx 's social theory of morphology and the theory of historical philosophy .

  23. 本文认为,在制度和市场的双维作用下,村民同土与乡的关系在经历着深刻的变化,并且这种变化是持续的、动态的、复杂的、迂回的、胶着的。

    This paper argues that the relationship among the villagers , soil and rural is under profound change under the pressure , and this change is continuous , dynamic , complex , convoluted , and stalemate .

  24. 介绍了英国学者伯奇的高教体制模型,其主要内容包括:高教体制是一种由方式和组织层次组成的双维结构。

    The article introduces a model of higher education system which is proposed by Tony Bencher , an English scholar . The model is two-dimensional , embracing modes as one dimension and levels of organisation as another .

  25. 第六章简要概括了两个语用认知理论:提高语用注意理论和双维模式理论。

    Chapter Six gives brief description of two main cognitive processing theories : the noticing hypothesis ( Schmidt 1993 , 1995 ) and the two-dimensional model of language use and proficiency ( Bialystok , 1993 , 1994 ) .

  26. 采用相互正交的两列地震波,改变地震输入角度对结构进行双维时程分析,对比了单双维地震输入结果。

    By using two orthogonal seismic waves and changing the angle of seismic waves , the bridge is analyzed with two-dimensional Time-History analysis method . The single dimensional Time-History analysis results are compared with the two-dimensional Time-History analysis results .

  27. 第五,关系质量可以作为顾客购后行为倾向单独的前置变量,同时,具有交易和关系双维结构的利益成为企业-顾客关系质量的主要影响因素。

    Fifth , relationship quality can be a separate pre-variable to affect BPBI , and at the same time ," benefit " with two-dimensional structure of the transaction and relationship has become the main factor affecting the quality of the enterprise-customer relationship .

  28. 具有双时间维约束的股票序列模式挖掘

    Sequential Rules Mining of Two Time Constraints in Stock Analysis

  29. 结合燃烧模型、湍流火焰传播模型以及化学动力学模型,建立了摩托车四冲程汽油机双区准维燃烧模型。

    A quasi-dimensional combustion model for motorcycle gasoline engines was established based on a combination of the turbulent flame propagation model and the reduced chemical kinetic model .

  30. 模拟仿真过程详细跟踪了缸内瞬时压力、温度和排放量组分变化,结果显示,本研究所提出的双区准维燃烧模型能较好的反映缸内的实际工作过程。

    The engine 's transient pressure , temperature and its various components emissions are traced in details during the calculation . The results verified that the various steps quasi-dimensional two-zone combustion model developed in this thesis can describe the real working procedure of the internal combustion engine very well .