
shuānɡ jiǎo xiàn
  • twisted pair;twisted-pair wiring
  1. DMT调制在铜双绞线信道上的输入功率分配

    Input Power Distribution of DMT Modulation over the Copper Twisted Pair Channels

  2. 目前的接入网技术主要有基于金属线缆的xDSL技术、基于HFC的CABLEModem技术、基于五类双绞线的以太网接入技术,以及光纤接入技术和宽带无线接入技术等。

    The current access network technologies mainly include xDSL access technology based on metal cable , Cable Modem access technology based on HFC , Ethernet access technology based on five twisted pair , optical fiber access technology and broadband wireless access technology .

  3. 一线网络是一种基于PC或者微控制器的,通过双绞线与一线元件进行数字通信的低成本的总线。

    The 1-wire net is a low-cost bus based on a PC or microcontroller communicating digitally over twisted-pair cable with 1-wire components .

  4. 学生终端即基于μC/OS-Ⅱ的IP智能终端,通过双绞线与交换机实现和教师机的物理连接。

    Student Terminal is an IP intelligent terminal based on μ C / OS-II , which can be connected with teacher computer , and Switch though twisted-pair .

  5. DSL系统中双绞线电缆的测试和分析

    Testing and Analysis Methods of Twisted Pairs Cable in DSL Systems

  6. 最大和最明确的VGA质量超过任何制造商双绞线。

    Sharpest and clearest VGA quality over CAT5 of any manufacturer .

  7. PROFIBUS现场总线网络层采用屏蔽双绞线连接。

    The shield twisted-pair was used to link with PROFIBUS field bus network layer .

  8. 通常是通过双绞线实现,双绞线对于传输话音数据是足够的,但是对于像Internet这种网络的高带宽要求就显得力不从心了。

    Traditionally this connection is a twisted pair of copper wires , which is adequate for telephone calls , but the wide scale introduction of the Internet is placing higher bandwidth demands on the entire network .

  9. 目前,宽带网络的接入方式有:以太网(光纤双绞线交换机)、ADSL、CABLEModem(HFC)、宽带无线等。

    At present , there are different modes of broadband access : Ethernet , ADSL , Cable Modem ( HFC ) and wireless broadband .

  10. 将2个RS232/CAN智能转换器通过双绞线连接起来,实现2个设备之间的RS232点对点远程通信。

    Linking 2 RS232 / CAN converters of the RS232 devices by twisted wire can implement point to point long-distance communication .

  11. 超高速数字用户环路(VDSL)是利用无屏蔽铜芯双绞线传输高速数字信号的新技术。

    VDSL is a new technology which transmits high-speed digital via unshielded twisted pair wire .

  12. 传统的有线接入网是基于DSL技术的铜缆双绞线网络,其提供的带宽能力非常有限。

    Traditional wire line access network is based on DSL technology twisted-pair copper network . It can only provide very limit network bandwidth .

  13. 交叉功能大多在MAU内或双绞线链路中其他处实现。

    Crossover functions may be implemented internally to a MAU or elsewhere in the twisted-pair link .

  14. 通信介质采用RS485屏蔽双绞线,可有效地减少电缆的数量,提高了系统的自动化水平及运行的可靠性。

    It will reduce the quantity of lines and enhance the reliability by adopting RS 485 shielding twisted-pair line .

  15. 双绞线缆线的二类型是遮蔽双绞线(STP)和无遮蔽双绞线(UTP)。

    Two types of twisted-pair cable are shielded twisted-pair ( STP ) and unshielded twisted pair ( UTP ) .

  16. 为此在馈线自动化系统中选择有线(双绞线)通信方式,采用OFDM技术实现数据传送,并用数字信号处理器(DSP)实现数据的调制与解调。

    Therefore , wire ( twister-pair ) communication manner is chosen in the feeder automation system . The proposed system uses OFDM technology to transfer data , and adopts DSP to modulate and demodulate the data .

  17. 馈线主干线FTU和馈线支路上的FTU、TTU通信采用屏蔽双绞线的专线通信方式;

    And the shield double line is used between FTU or TTU on main feeder branch and sub branch .

  18. 主站和从站采用ProFiBus-DP协议,通过屏蔽双绞线完成通信。

    The communicating protocol between the network master station and the network associate station is ProFiBus-DP standard protocol , the communication is implemented through the twisted-pair .

  19. 实践表明:在现行条件下,基于普通铜质双绞线的xDSL技术群是远程监控更为现实、可行的传输方式。

    XDSL technology group based on twisted pair lines is a transmission technology of higher feasibility in long-range supervision system .

  20. 主、从机之间传输介质为双绞线,按RS-485串行总线标准及接口技术实现信息交换。

    The transfer medium between the host and slave processors is twisted-pair wire , and the information exchange is accomplished according to the RS-485 serial bus standard and the interface technology .

  21. 采用混合方法,即传输线链参方法、有限元方法和亚网格FDTD方法相结合,对切缝屏蔽双绞线的电磁泄漏进行了模拟分析。

    By applying the hybrid-method , which is the combination of the chain-parameter-equation , the finite-element-method and the subcell-FDTD-method , the electromagnetic leakage from the transverse slot on the shield of the twist-pair are simulated .

  22. TCN传输介质-双绞线采用四个性能指标进行评价:衰减、近端串扰、阻抗特性和时延。

    Aiming at evaluating the performance of the transmission media-twisted pairs used for TCN network , including attenuation , near-end crosstalk , impedance and delay .

  23. 在各种宽带接入方案中,数字用户线(DSL)技术由于通过现有普通电话双绞线线路提供高速的Internet连接,投资低、技术实现简单,从而一举成为宽带网络技术的主角。

    Among all the technique of broadband access network , Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ) which provides fast Internet access via the existing twisted-pair telephone wires , has become the leading actor because of its low cost and simple implementation .

  24. 在系统主干线通道上采用光纤通信方式,对于分支通信采用屏蔽双绞线以RS-485方式通信,并对网络体系结构作了详细的描述。

    Optical fiber communication mode is adopted in main channels , RS-485 communication mode using shielding twisted pair lines is employed in branch channels , and detailed description of network architectures is described .

  25. 试验结果表明,以光纤替代屏蔽双绞线作为传输介质的1773光纤数据总线能够使1553B总线系统具有更强的性能和更高的可靠性。

    The experimental results show that the 1773 data bus with fiber-optic as the transmission media instead of twisted shielded pair cable could provide higher performance and reliability .

  26. 但由于双绞线的非理想特性,信号在传输过程中会出现直流衰减、高频衰减和基带漂移等问题,造成严重的码间干扰(ISI)。

    Due to the nonideal characters of this medium , the data signals will suffer from the DC gain attenuation , high frequency attenuation and Baseline Wander , which induces the inter-symbol interference ( ISI ) .

  27. 实现宽带交互接入网有各种不同的解决方案,如建立光纤网,用双绞线对的ADSL对现有铜线网络进行升级,或在有线电视网中采用光纤同轴混合电缆。

    Different alternative solutions have been presented to realize a broadband interactive access network , such as installing optical fiber or upgrading the existing copper network with ADSL for twisted pair or hybrid fiber coax for CATV networks .

  28. 一线制(1-wire)技术是Dallas公司推出的一种新技术,可通过普通双绞线传输双向数据,且能够为总线上的1-wire器件提供电能。

    1-wire technique , a new technique of Dallas , can transmit both power and bidirectional data in a single twisted-wire cable , and is used in low-speed control system or the systems of multi-objects controlled .

  29. 本文首先对铜双绞线的传输特性、噪声特性、ADSL系统的技术特性、结构特点给以介绍,并详细介绍了DMT调制技术的理论知识。

    Firstly , the transmission characteristic and noise characteristic of copper wire , the technology and architecture characteristic of ADSL system are discussed in this paper . And it introduces the theory knowledge of the Multi-Tone modulation technology detailedly .

  30. 非对称数字用户线(ADSL)技术以充分利用现有双绞线资源的潜力为出发点,在不影响电话业务的同时,提供高速、非对称的数据接入。

    Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop ( ADSL ) is the technology that provides high-speed , asymmetric data access , synchronously the potential of Twisted Pair ( TP ) is utilized , and the Plain Old Telephone Service ( POTS ) is not interrupted .