
shuāng yuè kān
  • bimonthly
双月刊 [shuāng yuè kān]
  • [bimonthly] 两月一期的刊物

双月刊[shuāng yuè kān]
  1. 更有人大胆预测:她离职后,可能重返出版界:Net-a-Porter的双月刊杂志《Porter》最近荣获英国媒体奖的年度最佳纸质杂志奖(PrintProductoftheYearattheBritishMediaAwards),她毫不掩饰自己对记者行业以及采编业的偏爱。

    Some of the wilder speculators have suggested that her departure may see her returning to publishing : Net-a-Porter 's bimonthly print magazine Porter recently won Print Product of the Year at the British Media Awards , and she has made no secret of her passion for journalism and editing .

  2. 我们创办的《世界网络医院》是双月刊。

    A magazine titled World Online Therapy we publish is the bimonthly .

  3. 本文最初出现在IEEESecurity&Privacy杂志(双月刊)2011年第一期。

    This article first appeared in IEEE Security & Privacy magazine issue Jan / Feb2011 .

  4. 其中《国际事务》双月刊在国际上影响较大。

    The famous bimonthly journal International Affairs is one of them .

  5. 双月刊、季刊和月刊占92.09%。

    About 92 % of CAJ are published monthly , bimonthly and quarterly .

  6. 《光学精密工程》1-6期(第14卷)2006年(双月刊)总目次

    Optics and Precision Engineering No.1-No.6 ( Vol.14 ) 2006 ( Bimonthly ) General Table of Contents

  7. 周、汉两代民间歌谣的婚恋主题比较研究周刊[月刊,双月刊]

    A Comparative Study on the Subject of Marriage and Love in the Folk Songs of Zhou and Han Dynasty ;

  8. 就如何把《电池》双月刊办成知名刊物提出了一些新的思路。

    Some new ideas as how to promote Battery Bimonthly to be a well-known journal in the future was proposed .

  9. 日报、早报、晚报及周刊、月刊、双月刊、季刊可够读者读的。

    Dailies , morning papers , evening papers , plus weekly , monthly , bimonthly and quarterly journals can make readers busy reading all day long .

  10. 百年老牌杂志《大西洋月刊》已改名为《大西洋》,把《月刊》去掉,成为双月刊;

    Centuries veteran magazine " Atlantic Monthly " has been renamed as " Atlantic " and " monthly "( monthly ) to remove , as a bi-monthly ;

  11. 出版诗集二册:《结》,由香港诗双月刊出版社出版,列入海外诗丛;

    He has published two poetry collections : one is Knot , published by Hong Kong Poetry Bimonthly Publishing House and collected into the overseas poetry series ;

  12. 这本杂志是双月刊,那本是季刊。呼市地区春末夏季栽培双孢蘑菇初探

    This journal is bimonthly , and that one quarterly . The Preliminary Experiments on the Cultivation of Agaricus Bisporus ( Lange ) Sing in Huhehot in Late Spring and Summer

  13. 这类杂志一般是月刊和双月刊,内容包括诗歌,小故事和艺术类作品。网络用户一般不会在线精读文本内容。他们通常是快速浏览。

    Nancy : Literary magazines are usually collections of poetry , short stories and maybe artwork that come out once a month , or once every two months . Web site users do not read online text . They scan it .

  14. 《电池》双月刊荣获首届国家期刊奖后,应抓住机遇,实施品牌战略,努力报道创新成果,并在编辑、出版过程中创新。

    After winning the First Award of China National Journals in 1999 , Battery Bimonthly ( Dianchi in Chinese ) was seeking the new chance to implement the development strategy of branding , to report the innovative achievements , and to innovate in editing and printing process .