
  1. 发展双层经营体制深化农村改革

    Developing Double Management Economy and Deepening Rural Reform

  2. 农村双层经营体制运行中存在的问题与对策

    The Existing Problems and Counter Measures of the Double Management System of Rural Areas

  3. 完善统分结合双层经营体制

    Perfecting the Unified and Decentralized Management System

  4. 在此基础上,重构强调统一经营的双层经营体制。

    And then , we reconstruct Two-tier management system that stressed the collective unified operation .

  5. 中国农村目前的治理状况是与农村改革后实行统分结合的双层经营体制相联系的。

    The current condition of the rural governance is relative with rural economic systems after reforming .

  6. 目前,我国农村实行的是以家庭承包经营为基础的双层经营体制。

    At present , the rural two-layer management manner based on family tenant management system is in practice .

  7. 市场化趋向的改革开始以后,中国农村实行了以家庭联产承包经营为基础的、统分结合的双层经营体制。

    After the beginning of market-orientation reform , China chooses family farming based on the system of production responsibility in rural area .

  8. 现行农村的双层经营体制,已不适应进一步发展农村经济的需要。

    The current double-deck management system in the rural areas can no longer satisfy the needs for further development of rural economy .

  9. 农垦职工分别经历的三次双层经营体制逐步稳定、完善,改革向深层次发展阶段。另一方面,劳动管理体制与政策对劳动力转移的影响。

    The development of state-owned farm has experienced three reform phrases , meanwhile , the labor management system and policy has improved .

  10. 第四阶段即是1978年至今的土地集体所有,家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制。

    The fourth stage ( 1978 & ) was the double-decked running system that lands is owned by collective and used by family according to contract .

  11. 实行统分结合的双层经营体制,是我国农村经济发展中必须长期坚持的一项基本制度。

    Implementing the unified and decentralized management system is a basic system that must be adhered to for a long time in our countrys rural economic development .

  12. 坚持党在农村的基本政策,长期稳定并不断完善以家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制。

    We must adhere to the basic rural policies of the party and keep stabilizing and improving the two-tier management system that integrates unified with separate management on the basis of household contract management .

  13. 农地集体所有权保留与农户家庭承包经营权确立为基础的双层经营体制,作为一项合作经济体制的制度创新不可能一劳永逸地解决农业增长中的全部问题。

    As a cooperative managing system based on the holding of collective ownership and founding of house contracting managing , DLMS can not settle once and for all the whole issues in agricultural growth .

  14. 以土地承包关系为核心的双层经营体制,是党的农村经济政策的基石,必须长期坚持;

    The double-level management system with the land contracting relationship at its core is the cornerstone of the economic policy of the Party in the country and must be maintained for long periods of time .

  15. 其特征是在保留社员独立经营的前提下,通过合作社的联合经营增强社员独立经营的能力,从而构成独特的双层经营体制。

    Its nature is , on the basis of independent production and governance of member 's , with cooperative leaguing production and governance , promoting member 's independent production ability and forming characteristic of double-layer management system .

  16. 自建国以来,我国农村土地制度几经更迭,目前我国农村土地实行的是家庭联产承包经营为基础,统分结合的双层经营体制。

    Since the founding of the PRC , the rural land system has changed several times . The current land system is the system of the unified and decentralized management based on the household contract management in rural area .

  17. 在坚持农村统分结合的双层经营体制下,农民把自己的土地承包经营权入股于经济组织中,这是新形势下土地经营制度的创新。

    Based on the long-term stability of the unified and decentralized management system , allowing farmers to share stakes in some organizations though the right to land contractual management is a innovation of land management system under new situation .

  18. 随着改革的发展,求真务实,扬长避短,创建有广东特色的家庭经营与合作经济同步发展的双层经营体制。

    With the development of reform , the double management system has been created of household management and cooperating economy characteristic of Guangdong , where it becomes a fashion seeking truth with practicability and exploiting to the fully one 's favorable conditions and avoiding unfavorable ones .

  19. 一方面,要坚持以家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制不动摇,赋予农民长期而有保障的土地承包经营权。

    At the same time , must insist that take the household undertaking management as the foundation , the series divides the union the two-tier management system not to vacillate , entrusts with the farmer to have the safeguard land contracting right of management for a long time .

  20. 要解决这一问题,必须从农村机构改革、构建新型双层经营体制、加快城镇化步伐和税费改革等方面,对现行农村经济体制进行创新,从而实现中国农户整体经济绩效的提高。

    In order to solve this problem and increase the total rural economy performance , an innovation must be made in the present agricultural economic structural in terms of reforming the agricultural structure , building a new dual operation system , accelerating the urbanization and the tax profit reform .

  21. 农村基本经营制度应是在以家庭承包经营的统分结合双层经营体制基础上的发展与延伸,应包括农村生产资料产权制度、农村商品交易制度、农村收益分配制度等。

    The fundamental institution for rural economy should be in divides in the union double-tier economic institution foundation by the household undertaking economic series the development with to extend , should include the rural property institution , the rural exchange institution and the income distribution institution and so on .

  22. 在1978年党的十一届三中全会以后,我国农村实行了以家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制市,使农业和农村经济得到迅速发展。

    Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee in 1978 , we have practiced the double-tier management system that combines unified and separate operations on the basis of the household-based output-related contracted responsibility system , which promotes all-round development of agriculture and the rural economy .

  23. 不断完善现代农业经营机制体系,在家庭承包经营的基础上,继续巩固和完善大小农场的机制建设,继续创新农业经营组织方式,实现统分结合的双层经营体制。

    Constantly improve the management mechanism of modern agriculture system . In the household contract management , based on the size of farms continue to consolidate and improve the mechanism of construction , continue to innovate and agricultural business organizations , to achieve combines unified and separate two-tier management system .