
shuāng rèn jiàn
  • double-edged sword;two-edged sword;rapier
双刃剑[shuāng rèn jiàn]
  1. 技术的发展于人的本质的发展无疑为一把双刃剑。

    The development of technology is worthy of a rapier in people 's essential development .

  2. 网络文化是一柄“双刃剑”,尤其对青少年的身心影响特别大。

    Cyberculture is like a " rapier ", which can bring about both positive and negative influences to the young people .

  3. 名声是把双刃剑。

    Fame can be a two-edged sword .

  4. 赖利的一早成名后来证明是把双刃剑。

    Riley 's early celebrity proved to be double-edged .

  5. 短文中提到,心理学家RodMartin发现幽默是一把双刃剑。

    What has psychologist Rod Martin found about humor ?

  6. 新CEO可能更加包容,但时间是把双刃剑。

    A new CEO may be more receptive , but time is a double-edge sword .

  7. CAI一把双刃剑&谈多媒体课件辅助高等数学教学的两面性

    CAI a Double-edged Sword & The ones that discussed courseware auxiliary higher mathematics teaching of multimedia are two-sided

  8. 外商对华直接投资(FDI)尤如一把双刃剑,给中国经济带来了双重的影响。

    The Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ), like a double-edged sword , has duple influence on China 's economy .

  9. 这种自由是一把双刃剑:它牺牲Java代码的安全性,换取了完成上述所列任务的能力。

    This freedom is a double-edged sword : it trades the safety of the Java language for the ability to accomplish the tasks listed earlier .

  10. IL一18是一种强烈的细胞免疫刺激因子,炎症时造成组织损害,但又有抗病原微生物和抗肿瘤作用。IL一18在AIJ中可能起双刃剑的作用。

    IL - 18 is a strong stimulatory factor for cellular immune .

  11. 我国加入WTO,对中小银行业是一把双刃剑,既提供了发展良机,又提出了挑战。

    China joined WTO is a sharp sword for middle and small model banks , it guarantee good and develop opportunity , at the same time , raise challenges .

  12. NMDA受体就像一把双刃剑,过于活跃或者过度不活跃都会导致毒性后果。

    An NMDA receptor is like a double-edged sword because too much activity and too little can be toxic .

  13. Ramnivas告诫说使用元数据扩展Java语言可能是双刃剑(既强大又危险)。

    Ramnivas cautioned that the use of metadata to extend the Java language can be both powerful and dangerous .

  14. 而FDI作为外生变量对国内经济而言始终是一面双刃剑,它在促进我国经济快速增长的同时,也可能会对我国国内投资形成了挤出效应,给我国带来了一定负面影响。

    FDI as exogenous variables has always been a " double-edged sword " in domestic economic , FDI will promote economic growth , and meanwhile FDI maybe has the negative effect in china .

  15. 如同经济全球化一样,跨国公司的RD本地化同样是一把双刃剑。技术能力成长对企业技术创新的双刃影响

    Comparing the economic globalization , the localization of RD is a double-edged sword as well . Technological capability : The double-edged sword for technological innovation in firms

  16. WTO是一把双刃剑,给我国经济社会的发展带来了机遇,同时,又给我国的经济、政治和文化带来了不同程度的风险与挑战。

    WTO is a sharp sword , it takes opportunity for the development of china 's economic society , at the same time , it takes vary degrees risk and challenge for economy , politics and culture in China .

  17. 但是,不稳定是一把双刃剑:也许只需要一个满堂红季度,Facebook股票就可以像坐火箭一般,一下涨至其发行价38美元每股。

    But volatility is a two-edged blade : it could take only one blowout quarter from Facebook ( FB ) to send its stock rocketing back toward its $ 38 A share offering price .

  18. 首先链接是SEO的三要素中的一个重要部分,链接就像是双刃剑,有利有弊。

    First link is the three elements of SEO is an important part of the link is like a double-edged sword , both advantages and disadvantages .

  19. Rhino的基于原型的方法是把双刃剑;其良好的品质使得它成为适合某些任务的惟一选择,在其他情况中却又似乎太过单调乏味。

    Rhino 's prototype-based approach is similarly double-edged ; the very qualities that make it uniquely suited to some tasks make it seem tedious and cumbersome in other instances .

  20. wiki应用程序领域的研究表明,这是一把双刃剑:它可能非常强大,因为可以提供开放的贡献和最佳的数据革新,但这又会导致不一致、不正确或容易产生误导的数据项。

    As evidenced in the wiki application domain , this is a double-edged blade : it can be quite powerful because it enables open contribution and best-of-breed data evolution , yet it can be subject to inconsistent , incorrect , or intentionally misleading data entry .

  21. SA8000是继绿色贸易壁垒之后一种新型的非关税壁垒。SA8000是一把双刃剑,一方面削弱了我国纺织业的比较优势地位,另一方面又优化了市场竞争环境。

    SA8000 is a new non-tariff trade barrier following the green trade barriers , which is a double edged sword that , on one hand , weakens the relatively advantageous position of China 's textile industry , and , on the other hand , also optimizes the environment of competition .

  22. 这个问题是把双刃剑,它也许会让你显得考虑周全…也可能带来出其不意的反效果,让用人单位觉得你根本没有事先做好对公司的研究、也丝毫不重视这次面试——来自CareerTrend网站的JacquiBarrett-Poindexter说道。

    This is a great example of a question that could either make you sound thoughtful ... or totally backfire and reveal that you did zero research about the company prior to the interview , says Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter of CareerTrend.net .

  23. 种种事例已经证明了做慈善是柄双刃剑,有的人得到褒奖,有的则会身处困境。

    Philanthropy has proved to be rewarding and risky for some .

  24. 作为一种新的传播媒介,网络也是一把双刃剑。

    As a new communication media , network has two sides .

  25. 股权回购上市公司股权运作的双刃剑

    Equity Repurchase & Two-edged Sword in Equity Operation of Listed Companies

  26. 但是,城市化的快速发展是一把双刃剑。

    Whereas , the rapid development of Urbanization is a double-blade .

  27. 浅谈反倾销的双刃剑效应与我国的应对之策

    On Double - Edge Effects of Anti - Dumping and Countermeasures

  28. 高层建筑在现阶段的城市建设中有如双刃剑。

    High-rise buildings are like a two-edged sword in current city construction .

  29. 用户反馈也可成为一把双刃剑。

    User feedback can be a double - edged sword .

  30. 大学教师聘任制是把双刃剑

    The Appointment System for College Teachers Is a Double-edged Sword