
  • 网络parametric method;parameter method;parametric estimation method
  1. 与参数方法相比,非参数方法可以根据观测数据更加灵活地构建模型从而减少建模偏差带来的风险,帮助人们选择适当的参数模型。

    Compared with parametric methods , nonparametric techniques have the flexibility of constructing models based on observations , which can reduce modeling biases and help us to choose appropriate parametric models .

  2. 曲线曲面造型技术可分为参数和隐式两大类,参数方法的研究由来已久并已相当完善,而近年来隐式方法受到了越来越多的关注。

    According to the representations , modeling technique can be classified into two categories : parametric methods and implicit methods .

  3. 本文介绍了VaR的起源和定义,概述了VaR的三种主要计算方法:参数方法、历史模拟法和蒙特卡罗模拟法,并对这三种计算方法的优缺点做了简单的述评。

    In this review , the origin and definition of VaR are introduced , and three main approaches to VaR computation ( i.e. , parametric approach , historical simulation and Monte Carol simulation ) together with their respective advantages and disadvantages are outlined and reviewed .

  4. 非参数方法下条件矩限制回归模型的广义矩估计

    GMM Estimator of Parameter for Conditional Moment Restriction Model with Nonparametric Method

  5. 小家系资料连锁分析参数方法及应用

    The linkage analysis of the small pedigree data

  6. 非参数方法在金融风险管理模型中的应用

    The Application of Nonparametric Method in VAR Model

  7. 这进一步说明了用键参数方法研究缓蚀剂是有效的。

    This shows that the bond-parameter method is effective for the study of the inhibitors .

  8. 现场数据可靠性分析非参数方法比较

    Reliability Analysis Techniques of Field Data

  9. 非参数方法是在成矿预测中、当统计数据不服从或不完全服从现则分布时的一种蒙特卡洛模拟形式非参数方法采用拉格朗日插值函数和三次条样函数,并均满足密度函数的条件。

    Nonparametric method is the Monte-Carlo simulation form when the statistical data are not or uncompletely subordinated to regular distributional laws .

  10. 我们用物理参数方法设计X-射线望远镜,以精确地测定太阳日冕等离子体参数。

    With the physical parameter method our X-ray telescope is designed , aiming to measure exactly the solar coronal plasma parameters .

  11. 对飞机纵向高阶等效系统模型的可辨识性进行了分析,指出原有的辨识飞行品质参数方法存在的问题,并提出新的解决方案。

    Based on the analysis of the methods used before , a new method is presented to identify the aircraft flying quality parameters of high order equivalent system . The procedure of the identification is divided into three steps .

  12. 正交实验优化伺服系统参数方法简单可行,能有效地提高切削系统稳定性和极限切削宽度,适用于重型机床的数控强力切削。

    It is easy and feasible to optimize the servo parameters by the orthogonal test . This method can effectively improve the system 's stability and limited cutting width and it is suitable for the CNC heavy cutting of heavy-duty machine tools .

  13. TC参数传递方法及编程技巧

    TC Parameter-Transfer Methods and the Programming Technologies

  14. SLA参数定义方法及应用

    A SLA Parameter Definition Method and Application

  15. 利用线性矩阵不等式(LinearMatrixInequalities,LMI)的可行解给出了计算状态观测器和控制器的参数化方法。

    Utilizing the solutions of linear matrix inequalities ( LMIs ), the parameterize expression method of the state observer and controller is given .

  16. 传统快速傅立叶(FFT)和最小二乘参数估计方法由于响应速度慢、计算量大难以满足选相分闸的实时要求;

    The conventional Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) and least square parameter estimation algorithms cannot satisfy real-time requirements because of high computational cost .

  17. 该文提出了一种估计空间多个线性调频脉冲(Chirp)信号的多个参数的方法,并给出了简单的性能分析。

    A method of multiple parameters estimation for multiple chirp signals is proposed , a brief performance analysis is also described .

  18. 预测油气田产量的Weng旋回及其参数求解方法

    The Method for Solving the Parameters of Weng Cycle to Predict the Production

  19. 仿真结果表明,此种PID控制器比常规PID有更好的动态调节性能和鲁棒性,不失为一种具有较好实用价值的PID参数优化方法。

    Simulation results show that the PSO-based PID controller is better than the ordinary PID controller in fast response and strong robustness . It is a practical method for hydroturbine governing systems .

  20. 高温气体LTE模型参数计算方法及其在非平衡电弧射流状态诊断中的应用研究

    Investigation on computation method of LTE model parameter for high temperature gases and its application in the state diagnosis of non-equilibrium arcjet

  21. 对于线性系统,本文针对其系统矩阵A存在一类不确定性扰动的情况,提出了一种基于遗传算法(GA)的新的参数估计方法。

    This paper proposed a new method for parameter estimation based on genetic algorithms ( GA ) for linear systems in the case of its coefficient matrix with uncertain disturbance .

  22. UWB-SAR抑制RFI技术的参数化方法

    Parametric Methods of RFI Suppression in UWB-SAR

  23. 用参数空间方法优化了(0,2π)BTN液晶盒的光学性质,从而发现新的(0,2π)BTN显示模式具有更高的对比度和更大的dΔn值。

    Optical properties of a ( 0,2 π) transmissive BTN LC cell is optimized by parameter space method .

  24. 作者提出一种测量场效应和双极型晶体管噪声参数的方法,给出了半自动化F-P测试装置。

    The measurement approach to noise parameters of FET and bipolar transistor is given and semi-automatic F-P test equipment are introduced in this paper .

  25. 采用加权最小二乘法参数估计方法,得到应用于电力系统日负荷预测和月负荷预测的ARMA模型。

    In this paper , the method of weighted least square estimate is proposed to construct ARMA model , which can be applied in power system load forecasting .

  26. 依据这些表达式和IBMTOKENRING的参考数据,绘制了对称环时延和通过量的数值例图,并简介了选择网络参数的方法。

    On the basis of the expressions and IBM TOKEN RING 'S reference data , numerical example graphs of the symmetry ring 's delay and throughput are drawn , and the method of selecting network parameters is introduced .

  27. 引入累积法GM模型-一种新颖的参数估计方法,研究表明累积法GM模型条件数一般都较小,属于良态模型。

    This paper introduces cumulative GM Method , a new method to estimate their parameter . Though practice , we get the condition number of cumulative GM Method is litter commonly , these models belong to well-conditioned model .

  28. 引入一种计算简便、有效性高,并可代替极大似然法的优良参数估计方法&概率加权法(PWM),利用Gumbel分布对中国极端气温时空变化特征作当前与未来气候的模拟试验。

    The simulation tests of temporal-spatial distributions of extreme temperatures over China to now and future climate based on Probability Weighted Moment ( PWM ) are finished by using Gumbel distributions .

  29. 将GERT网络技术应用于桥梁施工进度控制,通过分析矩母函数、梅森公式阐述了GERT网络的解析法,提出确定工序参数的方法。

    The analytic calculation of GERT network was presented by solving moment function and Mason formula to determine the construction procedure parameters .

  30. 针对传统的桥式PWM可逆整流器直流侧工作电压要求较高的限制,提出一种新型PWM可逆整流器拓扑,运用状态空间平均法进行了建模和稳态理论分析,并给出该变流器的参数选择方法。

    In view of the drawback of traditional PWM reversible rectifiers which need higher dc side operating voltage , a new type converter topology is proposed and modelled with the state space averaging method . Theoretical analyses are carried out .