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  1. 虚拟员工持股与从西方原版引进的员工持股计划、虚拟股票等不同,它与我国国有企业主体空缺相适应。

    It differs from the Employee Stock Owner Plans and Virtual Stock introduced directly from the west and accords with the vacancy of the SOE owners of China .

  2. 关于国外原版教材的引进问题

    On Problems of Introducing Original Teaching Materials

  3. 本文结合中加合作班双语教学情况,提出双语教学不仅仅是使用几本原版教材,而是引进国外先进的教学理念。

    Combining with the Bilingual Teaching practice in Educational Joint Venture with Canada , this paper proposes that Bilingual Teaching is not only using some original edition textbooks but also using advanced foreign teaching method .