
Model ⅱ( method b_ ( 12 )④) is suitable to predict the mixed crude oil freezing point for Bonan oilfields and other similar cases .
Transportation with ball injecting is available for normal temperature operation . When oil freezing point is 28  ̄ 36 ℃, GOR is more than 40 m 3 / t , this gathering and transferring process may be adopted , but it is complicated .
Discussion on a new method for determining the freezing point of crude oil
Study on the variation regularity of mixed crude oil freezing point for Bonan oilfields
Crude samples from the area feature in relatively low solidifying point and low content of saturation hydrocarbon and wax .
The better pour point depressant compound with gemini surfactants can make crude oil Liaohe A freezing point lower 9 ℃ .
The temperature limit for without heating mixed transportation is summarized by production function experience commonly , that needs hyper 2 ~ 3 ℃ crude oil freezing point .
The type of reservoir at Lengdong-leijia region is complicate , and solidification point of its crude oil is high and that belongs to low saturated or unsaturated oil reservoir .
Lunpola basin has a characteristics of thin oil layer , scattering distribution , shallow formation , low temperature , high condensate point and viscosity of crude oil , high density and complex geologic structure .
The test results indicate that the paraffin control cold transportation agent is effective in paraffin control , which can reduce the freezing point of the crude oil significantly and meet the requirements of cold transportation .
The condensation points and wax content of the light-medium biodegradation oil obviously decrease and the density increases .
The in_situ heat fracturing technique was applied to stimulation of the temperature of injected fluid in high freezing point oil well . The heat out of chemical reactions resulted from heat_generation agent can heat up the oil layer .
Influence effect of composite crude oil pour point depressant on pour point , apparent viscosity and yield stress of crude oil , at without increasing additive quantity is than ether of them , after two different kinds of crude oil pour point depressant composited in proper proportion composited .
Influence of Crude Viscosity and Pour Point on the Transportation Price of Oil Pipeline
The flow of crude oil and crude oil on the freezing point and viscosity .