
  • 网络raw material inventory;inventory of raw materials;Raw materials & purchased parts
  1. 因此P公司采取各种措施降低原材料库存,来节约储存空间,提高生产质量,但是库存过低会给公司带来巨大的风险。

    So P company take various measures to reduce raw material inventory , to save storage space , improve the quality of production , but the inventory will bring huge risk for less stock .

  2. 在此基础上,根据对LX公司的SWOT分析,制定了原材料库存的策略,并分析了其对财务的影响;采用夏皮罗-威尔克法和罗伯特。

    On the above basis , the author generates raw material inventory strategy and analyzes its effects on finance according to the SWOT analysis of LX Company ;

  3. 因此,建立西安HL公司主要产品&文丘里管的原材料库存优化模型,制定合理的订货策略,从而提升企业的利润是公司目前亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , it is important to establish the optimization model of raw materials to develop a reasonable strategy to enhance corporate profits .

  4. 第五部分是运用MRP的物料管理思想,结合企业的实际情况,通过加强企业的物资采购管理和仓库管理,解决原材料库存管理问题。

    At last , material requirement planning and storeroom regulation are made to solve the problems of inventory management of raw materials in the fifth section .

  5. 随着全球制造业竞争日益加剧导致企业利润空间日益萎缩,越来越多的企业关注缩减原材料库存成本以提高公司竞争力。由此,供应商管理库存(VMI)这一原材料库存管理理论应运而生。

    As the competition becoming more seriously , the profit of manufacturing companies keep on shrinking , more companies focus on how to reduce the cost of raw materials to improve the competitiveness of companies , while Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ) came into being .

  6. 多种运输方式的企业原材料库存控制研究多谐振荡器式调制器

    A Research of Enterprise 's Raw Material Inventory Control on Multiple Transportation Modes

  7. 公司的不锈钢产品和原材料库存较低减值拨备较预期业绩的主要原因。

    Companies stainless steel products and raw materials inventory impairment provision of lower-than-expected performance was the main reason .

  8. 原材料库存是否合理,影响到生产进度以及下游客户的满意度。

    Whether the inventory of raw materials is reasonable , affects the production process and downstream customers ' satisfaction .

  9. 原材料库存主要存在采购计划不准确和信息传递滞后两方面的问题。

    Problems of raw material inventory are mainly in two aspects , inaccurate material purchase plan and lag of information transfer .

  10. 但是,在很多制造企业里库存成本,特别是原材料库存成本占用了大量的流动资金。

    However , in many manufacturing enterprises the inventory cost , especially the inventory cost of raw materials occupies lots of current capital .

  11. 与出口相比,中国的进口增长比较逊色。分析师们表示,这说明中国企业仍在消化巨大库存,尤其是原材料库存。

    Analysts say the more subdued import growth compared with exports indicates that Chinese groups are still working their way through large inventories , especially of raw materials .

  12. 此外,提出了过期变质库存的识别方法,并作为一种库存控制策略对原材料库存进行控制。

    Then proposed quantitative methods of all risks combined with perishable products characteristics . In addition , identification method of obsolete inventory deterioration was proposed to control raw materials inventory .

  13. 本次调查显示,英国制造商正准备迎接一段艰难时期,它们纷纷削减成品和原材料库存,并在去年增加就业岗位后开始裁员。

    The survey suggests manufacturers are preparing for a tough period , running down stocks of finished goods and raw materials , and cutting jobs after a year of rising employment .

  14. [人]在[大场所]材料范式下观察不到信息整合的原因初探确定和优化原材料库存标准,提高库存周转次数。

    Reasons for the Absence of Information Integration in the [ Person ] Is in [ Large Location ] Pattern Materials ; Plan and optimize inventory standard to improve inventory turns .

  15. 主要通过销售预估、生产产能、仓库管理、采购等因素来分析原材料库存。

    Through the theory and the combination of the actual situation , especially through the sales forecast , production capacity , warehouse management , procurement , and other factors to analyze the raw materials inventory .

  16. 分析师表示,进口增长速度比出口慢这一点,表明企业仍然在想办法清理巨大的库存,尤其是原材料库存,尽管12月份进口激增凸显出企业在这个问题上取得的一些进展。

    Analysts say the more subdued import growth compared to exports indicates that companies are still working their way through large inventories , especially of raw materials , although the jump in imports in December highlights some progress .

  17. 长期以来,塑料制品行业中库存管理模式老化,造成了生产环节中过量的原材料库存、半成品库存及成品库存,直接影响了企业的发展。

    Inventory management mode in plastic industry has been aging for a long time , which has wasted excessive inventory of raw material , semi-finished articles and finished goods in production , and also influenced the corporation 's development directly .

  18. 由于其供应物流管理思想相对落后,致使公司供应物质质量不高;原材料库存压力较大,资金流动不畅通;物流、信息流以及资金流未能合理整合。

    The idea of supply logistics management is relatively backward , so the poor quality of supply materials 、 the serious pressure of material inventory 、 the jam of the flow of funds and the unreasonable integration of logistics , information flow and capital flow are caused .

  19. 第四章,依据主生产计划制定物料需求计划和采购计划。指明物料需求计划可以通过信息将需求平移过提前期来降低原材料库存。

    The forth chapter presents that the material demanding plan and stocking plan will be developed bases on the main manufacture plan , and also demonstrates that the material demanding plan can help the company to cut down raw materials inventory by moving up the demands exceeds the required length .

  20. 确保原材料实际库存与BPCS系统里面的数据相吻合;

    Ensure the match between Raw Material actual storage and the quantity in BPCS .

  21. 哈蒙德库存模型,计算和确定了LX公司的安全库存,提高了原材料安全库存的管理水平;

    He counts and confirms the safety inventory Level of LX Company , and improves the management of raw material safety inventory Level by adopting Shapiro-wilk Robert Hammond Inventory Model ;

  22. 监控原材料仓库库存状况,与采购部门协作保证生产所需原材料的及时供应;

    Supervise the status of raw material in the warehouse , and release raw material for production according to the plan ;

  23. 可老板说还要把购入固定资产的钱,原材料的库存金额也要加上去,这样对吗?

    But the boss says even the fund that purchases fixed assets , the inventory amount of raw material also should be added , so right ?

  24. 在此基础上进行了数值仿真,结果显示,服装原材料零库存管理模式能够压缩企业库存成本并快速响应市场。

    The numeric simulation shows that the new mode of zero-inventory management of raw material makes an apparel enterprise possible to cut down the inventory cost and perform quick response to the market .

  25. 物流金融就是利用中小企业动产,如原材料、库存产品等,多余不动产的特点,同时发挥第三方物流的专业优势,开发出的一种质押担保融资业务模式。

    Logistic financing is using small and medium enterprises ' current assets , such as raw materials , inventory and so on , rather than real estate , as collateral and making use of the professional advantages of third-party logistics , to develope a pledge secured financing service .

  26. 根据供应商管理库存的原则,提出了LX公司原材料供应商管理库存的策略;

    He proposes the supplier management raw material inventory strategy of LX Company as per the principle of Vendor Manage Inventory ;

  27. 服装业原材料订货零库存方案研究

    Study on zero - inventory of raw material of apparel enterprises

  28. 原材料和在制品库存周转率在1998年到2006年中有显著的提高,而制成品并不显著。

    Inventory Turnover was increased in material and in-process goods between 1998 and 2006 except finished goods .

  29. 主要包括产品开发阶段的成本控制,原材料采购及库存成本控制,人工成本控制,期间费用控制,并结合具体的生产经营活动来加强员工的成本控制水平。

    It mainly contains product development phase cost control , raw materials purchase and inventory cost control , artificial cost control , period cost control , and enhancement of the employees ' level of cost control combined with the specific production and business activities .

  30. 根据物料在经营环节中的不同形态,分为原材料/外购零件库存模块、在制品库存模块、产成品库存模块。

    According to the different shapes of materials in management links , this pattern is divided into inventory module of raw material / exo-purchasing details , articles being processed and finished goods .