
  • 网络Primitive pottery;brownware
  1. 原始陶器坯体的装饰技术

    The Decorating Techniques of Biscuits in The Process of The Original Pottery Making

  2. 装饰艺术的重复之美&原始陶器纹饰的重复美

    The Repeated Beauty of Decorative Art , The Repeated Beauty of Original Pottery Ornamentation

  3. 摘要在造型形式上,绝对纯粹的造型形态在原始陶器艺术中没能出现。

    In the form of moulding , the absolute pure moulding form did not appear after all in original pottery art .

  4. 无论是在原始陶器造型、传统陶瓷造型、还是现代陶瓷造型,我们都能看到大量仿生陶瓷造型的身影。

    We can find a lot of imitation creature of ceramic design in the primitive pottery design , traditional ceramic design and modern ceramic design .

  5. 仿生陶瓷造型的影响非常重大,通过探讨原始仿生陶器造型起源,我们现代的陶艺造型设计制作或许可从中得到一些有益的启示。

    For effects of the imitating creature ceramic design and making design is so important that we can benefit from researches for the original of primitive imitation creature pottery .

  6. 出土一大批相对完整的青铜器、原始瓷器和印纹陶器组合,年代约在西周至春秋阶段,填补了福建地区此阶段考古学研究的许多缺环。

    Western Zhou to Spring-Autumn period assemblage of relatively complete bronze implements , proto-porcelain and stamped hard pottery has filled in many gaps of archaeology in this region .