- 网络primitive equation model

In this study , relationship between forced waves of atmosphere by a convective heat source moving along the equator and the 40-50 day oscillation of Asian summer monsoon is investigated by using a five layer primitive equation model within the P-Sigma mixed coordinates .
The development of typhoon No. 7504 ( ORA ) along the tropical convergence zone is simulated with a five-level primitive equation model including large scale and convective condensation , surface friction , sensible and latent heat exchanges between the sea and the air .
In this paper we have investigated two cold-outbursts through numerical simulations with FGGE ⅲ b data and the model of primitive equation over the complex topography .
In this paper , comparative experiments with and without diurnal variation of the solar radiation are made by use of a 5 layer primitive equation air sea coupled model system without oceanic currents in a zonal domain between 60 ° S and 60 ° N.
The basic concept of the Semi Lagrangian method was simply introduced , and then its concrete implementation in the primitive equations model , especially in IFS model was presented .
Numerical experiments of large-scale precipitation in 11-layer , primitive equation model
Implementation of the Semi Lagrangian Method in the Primitive equations Model
A test of split semi-implicit integration scheme for the barotropic primitive equation model
Comparisons between experiments with two cumulus parameterization schemes with a 11-LAYER primitive equation model
The improvement and experiments of primitive equation model with mixed p - σ coordinates
A nested mesh scheme for 5 - level primitive equation model and the preliminary numerical experiments
The five-layer primitive equation model with mixed p - σ coordinates is improved as a nine-layer model .
In this paper , a diagnostic model for PBL temperature incorporating with five layer primitive equation model is suggested .
A split semi-implicit integration scheme for the barotropic primitive equation model is constructed and its stability and accuracy arc examined .
A convective adjustment scheme developed for the p - σ combined vertical coordinate five-layer primitive equation model is presented in detail in this paper .
A global nine-layer primitive equation model is developed to investigate the dynamic and thermodynamic influences of plateaus and high mountains on the atmospheric circulation .
The wintertime circulation in the South China Sea ( SCS ) has been simulated by using a three-dimensional , primitive-equation model with a free surface .
Diagnosis has been done of the July 1991 Meiyu front torrential rainfall event by using the diagnostic equation of frontogenesis circulation in the primitive equation model .
A series of numerical experiments are engaged by running the water-bearing numerical model for simulating the cloud-seeding in the thick airspace of stratus cloud area in a depression .
The experiment of radiation boundary condition in P - σ 5-layer limited region model was run and compared with those of the other kinds of lateral boundary condition .
Ensemble forecasting of tropical cyclone ( TC ) motion was studied using a primitive equation barotropic model by perturbing initial position and structure for 1979 ~ 1993 TC .
By using of the 5-level primitive equation model , the short range evolution of the subtropical ridge and the subtropical high structure for 23-26 June 1980 was experimented .
The phenomenon of the bifurcation of the strong large scale low-level westerly in East Asia in early summer is simulated with a five - layer primitive equations model .
Explicit integration schemes for the barotropic primitive equation model are tested for stability and accuracy . Influence of time and space smoothing on the stability and accuracy are also investigated .
Numerical prediction experiments are made by use of a p-o incorporated coordinate system model with primitive equations and a case study of May 8 , 1982 is analysed in some details .
In this paper . discussed are the effects of turbulent exchange on lake and land breezes , based on the simulated results by a two-dimensional primitive equation model with turbulent energy closure .
Using a five-layer primitive equations model , Typhoon 9106 in the South China Sea is investigated in terms of its thermodynamic effect on the 1991 Meiyu process over the area of so-called Yangtze-Huaihe-River Basin .
The split explicit scheme has been applied to the barotropic primitive equation model for forecasting typhoon tracks and the numerical tests show that the computation time can be greatly reduced by using this scheme .
For the limited-area barotropic primitive equation model , the computing time required for this scheme to produce 24-hour forecasts is one half of that for a split explicit scheme and one-fourth of that for a explicit scheme .
The responses of the atmospheric vertical circulations to the anomalies of the sea surface temperatures in the tropical regions are computed numerically with two-level primitive equation model in the tropical regions for two cases : ( 1 ) anomalous warming and ( 2 ) anomalous cooling .