- 【大气】moisture

Well-Posed Problems of the Weak Solution about Water Vapour Equation
The Sensitivity of Precipitation Simulation to Difference Schemes of Water Vapor Equation in Atmosphere General Circulation Model
By using the weak maximum principle , the uniqueness and stability of the solution of water vapour equation with the first , second and third boundary-value problems were proven .
Equations describing vapour diffusion in the model are set up , based on Fick 's law and the law of con - servation of mass , and are solved by using computer .
A new positive definite advection scheme and the application of it to the moisture equation
The nonlinear equation for remote sensing of water vapor was linearized by means of variation method .
The model is composed of multilayer atmosphere , multilayer soil model and vegetation model which are coupled by balance equation describing the energy and moisture transfer at the interface .
The stream function and potential function of water vapor transport vector during a heavy rainfall in the Huaihe River valley in the summer of 2005 is studied and the averaged water vapor budget is computed and diagnosed during the event period .
Moisture transfer and rainstorms around the large scale low level jet stream a new positive definite advection scheme and the application of it to the moisture equation