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The highest stand transpiration ( E ) occurred in July when the radiation and hydrothermal condition were favorable , whereas the reduced water supply in soil during the time period of September-November resulted in lower E value and its sensitivity to D.
Study of farmland soil water supply coefficient in Liaoning province
The limitation factor of NPP is the shortage of water .
Leaf water deficits influents net photosynthesis efficiency ( PN ) of the apple leaves on a sunny day when there is enough water in soil .
A water supply function in form of Weibull distribution
Study on the Relation to Water Supplying and Character of Rice Quality and Yield
Frangibility analysis of water supply in regional agriculture and assessment of its quantitative loss
It holds fine soil together , whilst retaining moisture that supports other plants .
Water required pattern and supply condition for sudangrass in Ningxia arid & semiarid area
The effect of water supplies on agronomic characters and physiologic indexes of spring wheat
Respective effects of soil water and nitrogen supply on transpiration rate were stimulative and suppressive .
In short supply of water , leaf carboxylation efficiency and apparent quantum yield were cut down .
Effect of Different Water Managements and Nitrogen Forms on Characteristics of Iron Nutrition of Rice Cultivated Under Aerobic Condition
The results indicated that physiological activities were greatly enhanced by sufficient phosphorus and water supply for two soybean genotypes .
Moreover , the transgenic plant had significantly higher photosynthesis and transpiration rates than the wild plant under favorable conditions .
And dry and wet regions were separated by use of cluster analysis based on the water variation for Heilongjiang province .
With the different water supply and environmental nutrients conditions , the relative absorption ratios in different growth stages were similar .
There were four factors-seedling quality , initial dressing depth , starter solution and water supply and two levels of each factor .
In arid and semi-arid area , the low survivor ratio and the effect of afforestation were common in afforesting the highway .
It is considered that the extremely arid environment and the relative enough water supply are the main factors resulting in high water consumption .
In dryland farming region of the Loess Plateau , the drought and low soil fertility has limited the development of local agricultural production seriously .
The height and basal diameter growth with sufficient light and water supply was 2.8 times of seedlings under shady conditions and with insufficient water .
The branch growth amount is related with the supplied water in growth period , and the sufficient water can make the trees strong and vigorous .
The order of limiting factors influencing the grain production in cultivated lands was : supplying state of soil nutrition , precipitation , light and temperature conditions .
This continues through spring as the snow fromthe surrounding mountains melts . But once the steady flow of water stops , the constant drainage causes thelake to " disappear . "
The scope of winter wheat root water uptake was adjusted by itself to the lower soil layer where soil moisture was appropriate when soil water supply in the upper soil layer was deficient .
Based on the routine weather data and the constant observational data of soil moisture for 18 representative stations during 1980 ~ 2002 , the farmland soil water supply dynamic model of five regions in Liaoning province was established with mathematical and statistical method .
Comparison with no treatment ( CK ), employing tiller promoting fertilizer or sand-adding treatment would redound to hull length and width , while employing excessive spike fertilizer or shading and water stress treatments during hull formation stage would result in obvious decrement of hull length and width .
The result of simulating European corn borer 's damage ( digging a hole in the nodes of tassels ) indicated even if the maize plants could get enough water supply , water stress inside the tassels was one of the main factors affected the pollen grains to shed normally .
CO_2 concentration is not the sole factor determining stomatal parameters , and stomatal parameters are also affected by various environmental factors , such as temperature , water , and irradiance .