
hòu dù
  • thickness;gauge;land
厚度 [hòu dù]
  • [thickness] 物体上下两面间的距离

厚度[hòu dù]
  1. 我们首先讨论与板块厚度和结构的变化有关的各种证据。

    We discuss first a wide variety of evidence bearing upon the thickness and constitutional variation of plates .

  2. 英国人对厕纸的要求最高方面当属柔软度,占57%,紧随其后的是韧度,占45%,厚度,占36%。

    Top of Britons ' toilet paper wish list is softness ( 57 % ) followed by strength ( 45 % ) and thickness ( 36 % ) .

  3. 这些轮胎磨损得已低于胎面1.6毫米的法定厚度。

    The tyres were worn below the legal limit of 1.6mm of tread .

  4. 现有四种不同厚度的木板可供使用。

    The board is available in four thicknesses .

  5. 英国煤层的平均厚度为1米。

    The average UK coal seam is one metre thick .

  6. 不过继续缩小氮氧化硅栅介电层厚度的道路仍然走到了尽头。

    But thinning of oxynitride , or sion , gate dielectric is at the end of the road .

  7. 明特尔公司的分析员杰克·达科特指出,“韧度、软度和厚度仍然是厕纸质量的三大主要指标,只有一少部分消费者会倾向于更加奢侈的品种,比如带有印花图案或是有香水味道的。“

    " Strength , softness and thickness remain the leading indicators of toilet paper quality , with just a small proportion of consumers preferring more luxurious alternatives , such as those with flower patterns of perfume , said Mintel analyst Jack Duckett . ' '

  8. 密度、大小、厚度是受最原始的那股海葵的影响

    Density , scale , thickness are still influencing the anemones shape .

  9. 木材按厚度分级。

    The timber is graded according to its thickness .

  10. 对具有任意厚度的靶,无偏折的通量随厚度扫指数规律而衰减。

    For a target of any thinkness , the undeflected flux diminishes exponentially with thickness .

  11. 在腔内插入一定厚度的布儒斯特片可以部分消除腔的像散。

    The resonator ( astigmatic ) can be compensated by inserting a suitable thickness Brewster plate in the cavity .

  12. 黑龙江省气象中心的数据显示,哈尔滨、牡丹江等地的降雪达到25.8毫米,部分地区的积雪厚度达到17厘米。

    Snowfall of up to 25.8 mm was recorded in cities including Harbin and Mudanjiang , bringing a blanket of snow 17 cm deep in some places , according to the province 's meteorological center .

  13. 他们将袋熊的肠道和猪的肠道做了比较,将一个气球塞进两种动物的消化道,观察消化道为了容纳气球是如何伸缩的,结果发现不同区域的厚度和硬度都不同。

    They compared the marsupial 's intestines10 to those of pigs , by inserting a balloon into the animals ' digestive tracts to see how it stretched to fit the balloon , and found regions of varied11 thickness and stiffness .

  14. 单晶外延层厚度的X射线双晶衍射测定

    Thickness Determination of Single Crystal Epitaxial Layer by X-Ray Double-Crystal Diffraction

  15. 同时发现PAN固化层厚度的平方和时间呈良好的线性关系。

    The square of gel thickness was linear with coagulation time .

  16. 结果与结论:包衣厚度及材料比和pH对释药速率均有影响。

    RESULTS : Dissolution rate was affected by coat thickness , ratio of the two polymers and the pH of medium .

  17. 选用A,B,C和D四个炭/炭复合材料试样进行抗氧化涂层厚度的光学测量研究。

    Optical measurement of oxidation protection coating depths of C / C composites of samples A , B , C and D was investigated in this paper .

  18. 熔化情况下Zr(-4)合金包壳管氧化膜厚度变化的计算

    Calculation of the Oxide Film Thickness Changing for Zircaloy Cladding in In-pile Meltdown Case

  19. 用MODIS遥感资料分析四川盆地气溶胶光学厚度时空分布特征

    Characteristics of aerosol optical depth distributions over Sichuan Basin derived from MODIS data

  20. 结果全部42例CT扫描检查均显示出食管癌的准确部位、厚度、实际长度、外侵范围及其与邻近结构的关系。

    Results CT clearly demonstrated the location , thickness , actual length and extent of esophageal carcinoma as well as its relation with surrounding structures in all 42 cases .

  21. 用Zscan法测量了不同厚度、不同束腰半径碘的酒精溶液的瞬态热光非线性效应曲线。

    Thermo optical effect in different thickness and different beam radius for the alcoholic solution of iodine was measured by Z scan method .

  22. Winkler地基上变厚度圆板的轴对称弯曲

    Axi-Symmetric Bending of Circular Plates with Variable Thickness on Winkler Foundation

  23. 以重掺杂自截止腐蚀工艺制备的厚度为3~4μm的自支撑Si平面薄膜已在X光激光和惯性约束聚变分解实验中得到应用。

    Thin silicon foils with thickness about 3 to 4 μ m are prepared by semiconductor process combined with heavy doped self stop etching process .

  24. MIG焊在大厚度铝板焊接上的应用

    Application of MIG on heavy plate aluminum construction

  25. 硒氟联用对小鼠脑内PSD厚度及SOD活性的影响

    Combined effect of selenium and fluoride on the thickness of PSD and the activity of SOD in mice ′ s brain

  26. 常规TIG焊生产效率低,单道焊可焊厚度小。

    Conventional TIG welding is known as its low productivity and limited weld depth in a single pass .

  27. 黄铁矿表面次生色的变化取决于表面氧化层的厚度及其中Fe(Ⅲ)O组分、单质硫的相对含量。

    The secondary surficial color depends on the depth of an oxidized layer and the contents of Fe (ⅲ) O ingredient and native sulfur in the layer .

  28. 方法通过对MH培养基作一般性状(厚度、pH值)、无菌试验以及性能检测以判断其质量。

    Methods To judge the quality of M-H culture medium by the check of general character ( thickness , pH ), asepsis and performance test .

  29. 影响各污染物去除效果因素的主次为,水力负荷周期、EM投加量,土层厚度。

    The influence factors for removal efficiency sorting by priority are hydraulic loading period , the appending quantity of EM rejuvenation , soil depth .

  30. 分析表明,随着Pd含量的增加,合金表面钝化膜厚度和电阻逐渐增大。

    The analyses suggested that the thickness and the resistance of passive film on the surface of alloys increased with the increase of Pd content in the alloys .