
  • 网络binder;Die face;binder surface
  1. 工艺补充面和压料面的设计是否合理,是保证覆盖件成形质量的重要条件。

    The addendum and binder surface design has great effects on the quality to auto .

  2. 拉延工艺设计主要包括冲压方向调整、压料面和工艺补充部分的设计以及拉延筋布置等工作。

    The drawing process planning was mainly referred to the adjustment of press direction , the design of binder face and addendum as well as the layout of draw beads .

  3. 大量试验及CAE仿真结果已经充分证明:补偿面和压料面的形状和形态对板材的成形性影响很大。

    A great number of experiments and numerical simulation based on CAE have fully validated that the shape and configuration of the addendum and blank-holder surface have obvious influence on the formability of the stamped panel .

  4. 此模具的压料面为曲面压边,并利用DYNAFORM分析板料的起皱趋势,确定拉伸筋的位置。

    The die was curved surface held down . The position of drawing rib was determined according to the analysis on the wrinkling trend of sheet bar made by DYNAFORM software .

  5. 覆盖件拉延模工艺补充面及压料面参数化设计研究

    Addendum And Binder Surface Parametric Design for Automotive Panel Drawing Die

  6. 工艺补充面与压料面是覆盖件模具冲压成形的重要技术。

    Making the addendum and blank-holder surface is key technique in auto-body panel stamping and die-face design and machining .

  7. 汽车覆盖件冲模的消失模铸造技术覆盖件拉深模工艺补充部分和压料面设计

    Technology of EPC for Stamping Die of Automotive Panel Part Addendum and Binder Surface Design for Automotive Panel Drawing Die

  8. 提出基于辅助节点汽车覆盖件曲面的工艺补充设计方法,论述在虚拟成型过程中,快速准确地生成压料面与工艺补充曲面。

    We proposed a design method for the die-face making of sheet metal forming which is based on an assistant node scheme .

  9. 矩形盒在曲面压料面下拉深成形规律的有限元仿真叶身曲面的等距面光顺方法

    Application of FEM on the study of formation law about rectangle case drawing based on curve face blank-hold An Offset Surface Fairing Algorithm of Blade Surface

  10. 非回转对称拉深成形过程中,压料面上法兰材料是变形的主体,直接影响到拉深成形性。

    In a non-rotational symmetry drawing , material of flange on blank holder face is the main body of deformations , and has direct effects on the formability of drawing .

  11. 最后,根据侧围外板的实际形状和经验为零件添加了工艺补充面和压料面,并建立了侧围外板的有限元模型。

    Finally , based on the experience and the figure of the part , add the addendum profile for the part and found the finite element model of the part .

  12. 覆盖件拉延工艺的设计一般包括以下内容:翻边展开、拉深方向选择、坯料估算、工艺补充面的搭建、压料面的添加以及拉深筋的布置等等。

    The design of auto-body forming process commonly includes edge un-wrapping , choice of drawing direction , roughcast reckoning , design of addendum , adding the binder surface and setting the draw bead .

  13. 首先建立零件的拉延模型,从冲压方向、工艺补充面、压料面、坯料初始形状等方面进行设计分析。

    Firstly , the stamping model of the part is built , and the design is focused on drawing direction , shape of addendum and blank-holder surface , initial shape of blank , and so on .

  14. 作为非回转对称拉深系统研究的一部分,根据矩形盒件拉深中网格变形的测量结果,分析了压料面和盒底面材料的流动变位及其规律。

    As a part of systematic study on non-rotational symmetrical drawing , flow displacement and law of materials of blank holder face and case bottom are analyzed according to the measurement of grid strain in rectangular case drawing .

  15. 通过对翼子板进行曲面网格封闭性检查,压料面及工艺补充面设计,建立翼子板模拟的凸凹模形状,设定合理的边界条件,对前翼子板成形过程进行了模拟。

    After checking the surface meshes closeness and designing the binder surface and addendum surface , the punch - die shapes are obtained . Setting the rational boundary conditions and adopting FEM theory perform the forming process simulation program of the front fender .

  16. 用有限元数值模拟的方法,模拟法兰曲边区域采用锥面压料面时,矩形盒的拉深成形过程,并且与平面压料时法兰在等效应变、主应变分布、拉深深度等方面进行了对比分析。

    Apply the finite element method ( FEM ) to simulate the drawing process of rectangle case based on pyramidal face blank-holder which in the region of curve edge of blank flange , and contrast its equivalent strain 、 major strain 、 depth of drawing etc.