
  • 网络historical phenomenon
  1. 任何历史现象都不会是简单的重复。

    No historical phenomenon is a mere repetition of the past .

  2. 这一历史现象与汉语谐音联想有关。

    This historical phenomenon of the association with the Chinese homonym .

  3. 云南回族抗争历史现象透视

    Phenomenon Perspectives of the History of Yunnan Hui People 's Struggle

  4. 产业融合是产业演进中的一个重要历史现象。

    Industrial convergence is an important historical phenomenon of industry evolution .

  5. 任何历史现象和历史事件都与时间相关。

    Any historical phenomenon and historical incident all correlate with time .

  6. 腐败作为一种社会历史现象,古今中外莫不有之。

    Corruption is a social and historical phenomenon , and of all .

  7. 他的出现是在非常特殊的背景之下发生的历史现象。

    His appearance is a unique historical phenomenon in a special background .

  8. 语言与文化是一种历史现象。

    Language and culture is a kind of historical phenomenon .

  9. 宗教作为一种历史现象,自其产生后就对社会发生着影响。

    Religion as a historical phenomenon , has special impact on the society .

  10. 政府债务危机是一个反复发生的历史现象。

    Sovereign debt crisis is a recurring historical phenomenon .

  11. 法律接受是我们面临的一个现实问题,同时也是一种历史现象。

    Acceptance of law is quite a modern and old phenomena as well .

  12. 省略是一种语言现象。语体是一种历史现象。

    Language style is a kind of history phenomenon .

  13. 官僚主义是一种长期存在的、复杂的历史现象。

    Bureaucracy is an age-old and complex historical phenomenon .

  14. 概括这一特定的历史现象,即是梅因所说的,从身份到契约的运动。

    As Maine said , this is a movement from status to contract .

  15. 犯罪是一社会历史现象。

    Crime is a social and historical phenomenon .

  16. 历史学家也可以将记忆本身作为一种历史现象研究。

    Historians can also study memory as a historical phenomenon in its own right .

  17. 这一历史现象尚未受到学术界应有的重视和研究。

    Yet , this historic phenomenon is awaiting its due attention from the scholarship .

  18. 把历史现象提到理论高度认识

    To Understand Historical Phenomenon in Terms of Theory

  19. 乞讨行为作为一个社会历史现象,是一个世界性难题。

    As a social and historical phenomenon , the begging is a worldwide problem .

  20. 腐败是一种社会历史现象,腐败行为的治理是当今世界各国普遍关注的问题。

    Corruption is a social phenomenon , the control of which causes attention universally .

  21. 从演绎到戏说&文学消费历史现象的理论依据

    From Deduction to Dramatization & Theoretic Basis of the Phenomenon of Literature Consumed History

  22. 城市化是经济和社会发展所产生的必然历史现象。

    The urbanization is a historical course of development of economic and social progress .

  23. 论中将评史与论政相结合,借对历史现象的分析来阐述自己的哲学思想,思辨色彩浓厚。

    His philosophical ideas were illustrated with deep insight through the analyzing of historical events .

  24. 个别地方城市边缘化是城市发展过程中不可避免的历史现象。

    The marginalization of individual local city is an unavoidable phenomenon in urban development process .

  25. 异化劳动是一种历史现象。

    Estranged labor is a historic phenomenon .

  26. 儒家传统既是一种历史现象,又是一种生命形态。

    Confucian tradition is not only a historical phenomenon , but also a phenomenon of life .

  27. 任何一个重大的社会历史现象,都是各种历史因素合力的产物,即都是在一定的主、客观条件的共同作用下促成的。

    Any significant social phenomenon in history is the product of all kinds of historical factors .

  28. 宗教是世界范围内一种十分复杂的社会历史现象。

    Religion is a kind of very complicated social and historical phenomenon all over the world .

  29. 这种历史现象的出现,与清末新政时期普通民众的社会心理有着相当大的联系。

    This historical phenomenon was closely linked with the social psychology in this period of time .

  30. 他们的冲突不仅是政治、历史现象,而且也是一种文化现象。

    Their conflict is not only political , historical phenomenon , but also a cultural phenomenon .