
juǎn yān jī
  • cigarette machine
  1. 高速卷烟机吸丝带的研制

    Development of Cut Tobacco Adsorbed Conveyer Belt for High Speed Cigarette Machine

  2. 重量控制系统是现代卷烟机控制系统的重要组成部分,其技术是烟支重量控制技术不可缺少的关键技术之一,其控制效果直接影响到产品的质量、产品的精度和消耗的多少。

    Weight control system is the important composition part of modem cigarette machine control system , its technology is one of indispensable crucial technologies of smoke weight control technology , its control effect directly affects the amount of the quality of product , the precision of product and consumption .

  3. HIP卡在卷烟机PLC控制系统中的应用

    Application of HIP Card in PLC Control System in Cigarette Maker

  4. 影响PASSIM卷烟机重量控制精度因素探讨

    Discussion on Factors Influencing the Weight Control Precision of PASSIM Cigarette Maker

  5. KDF-2卷烟机高速接纸系统改造与实验研究

    Reconstruction Research on High Speed Paper Receiving System of KDF-2 Tobacco-curing Machine

  6. 本文简要介绍Protos高速卷烟机自动测试台的工作原理及其图形测试输入法的基本应用。

    The basic principle of automatic test station ( ATS ) on Protos High Speech Wrap Tobacco Machine is introduced , and the application of input method of the test pattern on ATS is described .

  7. PROTOS70型卷烟机改变烟支长度所需的调整

    Adjustment Necessary for Cigarette Length Change in PROTOS 70 Cigarette Maker

  8. 卷烟机刀头试验台的设计

    Test Station Designed for Cut-off Unit of Cigarette Making Machine

  9. 变频器调速控制在高速卷烟机供纸系统中的应用

    The Application of Inverter Drive to Paper Feed System in High-speed Cigarette Machine

  10. 卷烟机中弧齿锥齿轮装配间隙的调整

    Clearance Setting of Spiral Bevel Gears in Cigarette Maker

  11. 我要寻找商业卷烟机的功能和定价。

    I am looking for features and pricing on commercial cigarette rolling machines .

  12. 新型卷烟机控制系统研究

    The Research on Control System of New Cigarette Maker

  13. 卷烟机风分除杂系统的改进

    Improvement of Air Separation System in Cigarette Maker

  14. 卷烟机接装纸在线识别系统

    On-line Tipping Paper Identification System in Cigarette Maker

  15. 卷烟机的机械传动分析

    Analysis of Mechanical Drive in Cigarette Making Machine

  16. 卷烟机VE供丝部的有关工艺参数对卷烟质量稳定度的影响

    Effects of Technological Parameters of Cigarette Making Machine VE Cut Tobacco Supplying System on Cigarette Quality Stability

  17. 通过对不同规格平准器卷烟机卷制的烟支进行试验对比分析,研究了相同条件下烟支内烟丝分布对卷烟烟气指标以及逐口分析的影响。

    The influence of shred distribution in tobacco rod on the cigarette smoke index and puff-by-puff analysis of smoke were studied by comparative test and analysis .

  18. 等张力供纸是卷烟机设计的重要技术之一,它可有效减少机器在启动、变速、停机等操作过程中的断纸现象。

    The constant paper tension is one of the key technology in the cigarette maker design , for it can avoid paper break when the machine changing velocity .

  19. 为实现准确的三级成本核算,促进预算管理,提出新型卷烟机烟丝实时计量称重系统,文中重点阐述了该系统的设计思路、系统的结构。

    A new kind of tobacco weight measuring system of cigarette making machine has put forward to promote the budget management , which give an precision production cost check of workshop .

  20. 通过对卷烟机中蜘蛛手吸爪机构的运动分析,得出吸爪的运动轨迹为椭圆,运动方式为平动;

    The movement of spider hands suction talon in cigarette making machine is analysed . The conclusion is drawn that the movement locus of suction talon is ellipse and movement style is translational motion .

  21. 针对PROTOS70卷烟机的工作特点,采用交流伺服系统替代原直流调速主驱动系统,实现交流化改造,同时改用电气制动取代原机组的气囊刹车系统。

    Based on the characteristics of PROTOS 70 cigarette maker , the DC speed regulator in the main driving system was replaced by an AC servo system , and electropneumatic braking was used instead of the original air-bag braking system .

  22. 本文介绍了万向节机构的一项新用途,建立了新型高速卷烟机中广泛采用的万向节型刀头机构的运动方程式,并推导出一些重要的运动设计计算公式。

    In this paper a new usage of the universal joint has been introduced , the kinematic equations of the cut off of high speed maker of new type has been established , and some formula for design and calculation of the cut off are developed .

  23. SIEMENS传动在高速卷烟纸机系统的应用

    The application of SIEMENS drive in a high-speed cigarette paper machine

  24. 介绍了纸页纸病监测系统(WIS)的技术特点及WIS在卷烟纸机上的应用情况。

    The characteristic and the application in a cigarette paper machine of a web inspection system ( WIS ) are introduced in the paper .

  25. 卷烟包装机搅动器控制系统改造

    Method of Alteration for the Cigarette Making Machine Agitator Control System

  26. 3000型卷烟包装机新型电气控制系统

    A New Type Electronic Control System of 3000 Type Cigarette Packing Machine

  27. 高强度是为了适应高速卷烟纸机卷烟过程中不产生断纸,维持高速度正常卷烟的需要。

    High Tensile strength is in order to avoid broke when cigarettes making , to meet the needs of high-speed cigarette machine .

  28. 本文概述了我国卷烟纸机十年来技术改造取得的进展。

    In this paper , technical rebuilding of paper machine for cigarette tissue in recent ten years in our country are reviewed briefly .

  29. 优化年产1万吨高档卷烟纸机的供浆系统设计,将有利于提高产品质量,满足产品设计的要求,节约投资,降低单位产品消耗。

    To optimize the technical design of pulp-providing system of first-class cigarette paper machine with 10,000t / y production quantities , will be advantageous to the exaltation product quality , satisfying the request of product design , saving investment and reducing the unit product depletion .

  30. 基于Profibus-DP的塔式卷烟自动分拣机的设计应用

    Design of Tower Type Automatic Cigarette Picker Based on Profibus-DP