
  1. 装具的龙和卷草图案的意义?

    Meaning of the dragon and cured grass on the guard ?

  2. 卷草纹的艺术语言及其现代延展设计

    The Artistic Language and the Modern Future Design of Floral Scrolls

  3. 工整的鱼子地,迷人的卷草,威猛的龙头!

    Regular roe , charming grass , fierce dragon head !

  4. 论卷草纹在陶瓷装饰中的发展与运用

    By Volume Grass Grain in Ceramic Decoration Development and Utilization

  5. 从忍冬到卷草纹

    From Honeysuckle Pattern to Roll Grass Pattern

  6. 庭院修剪得十分整洁,到处都能看见漂亮的卷草。

    The courtyard is well-manicured with topiaries and beautiful green rolling grass as far as the eye can see .

  7. 生活在大西洋和太平洋中威猛鲭鲨。工整的鱼子地,迷人的卷草,威猛的龙头!

    Powerful mackerel shark of the Atlantic and Pacific . Regular roe , charming grass , fierce dragon head !

  8. 是以一种藤蔓卷草经提炼变化而成,委婉多姿,富有动感,优美生动。

    Based on a vine coils careless and become , by refining change a euphemism much appearance , rich move feeling , beautiful vivid .

  9. 他砍的时候卷草从紧握的手中被猛地一扯,他伸手便抓,切肉刀正剁在他伸出的手指上。

    The grass had twitched out of grip as he swung , and he had grabbed for it , and the cleaver had come down hard on his extended finger .

  10. 西域石窟壁画中有许多装饰性的图案,其中花草纹饰中的忍冬纹,卷草纹,莲花纹,宝相花等非常有特色。

    The grotto murals in the Western Regions contain a lot of decorative patterns , including acanthus design , scroll design , lotus'design , rosette design and some other distinctive patterns .

  11. 碗内壁装饰刻划卷草花纹,半刀泥(斜刀)技法纯熟,线条奔放有力,自由潇洒。

    Bowl wall adornment skinned coils careless decorative pattern , half knife mud ( oblique knife ) techniques , line is bold and unrestrained powerful , skillful free natural and unrestrained .

  12. 卷草纹所体现的传统设计思想是现代设计可以借鉴的,明确卷草纹在我国传统文化中所扮演的角色和意义,以及对文化的传承是必要的。

    The volume grass grain manifests the tradition design concept is the modern design may profit from , is clear about the volume grass grain the role and the significance which acts in our country traditional culture , as well as to the cultural inheritance is necessary .

  13. 我把诗种成卷叶草的柔曼。

    I cultivate the poem in the gentleness of the rolling leaves .

  14. 在摩苏尔的经历让尤金想起了一部电影,那是个很老的西部片,他说,坏人们占据了小镇,所有的居民都躲在屋里,关门闭户,银幕上只有大风卷着草团吹过。

    Mosul reminded Eugene of a movie , he said : an old western in which the bad guys take over some small town , and all the townsfolk hide indoors and tumbleweed blows across the screen .