
  • 网络Scroll painting
  1. 想要浏览中国近来的头条新闻,只需要看看艺术家戴翔最新的摄影作品就行了,该作品受到了12世纪的卷轴画《清明上河图》的启发。

    For a visual survey of recent headline-grabbing events in China , look no further than the latest photographic project by the artist Dai Xiang , inspired by the 12th-century scroll painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival .

  2. 日本的一种垂直式卷轴画。

    A Japanese vertical scroll painting .

  3. 那样,我建议您买刺绣竹卷轴画。

    Then , I would advise you to buy an embroidered bamboo scroll .

  4. 它们是迄今所知最早的卷轴画。

    These are the earliest examples of scroll paintings .

  5. 据说寺廊壁画有三百余堵,有记录的卷轴画有一百多件。

    According to records , he painted over 300 murals and more than 100 scrolls .

  6. 西夏佛教卷轴画艺术风格

    The Artistic Style in Xixia Buddhist Scroll-paintings

  7. 从宗教壁画分析,可知壁画与卷轴画走向了分离时代。

    From the religious murals analysis , we can see the murals and scroll painting to the separation times .

  8. 宋代的婴戏绘画多小幅的扇面,也存在一些大的卷轴画。

    Small slice of children at play in the Song dynasty painting , there are some big scroll painting .

  9. 本文围绕台北故宫所藏一批以童子和羊为主要内容的卷轴画展开讨论。

    This paper focuses on a group of scroll paintings about the boy and the sheep in Taipei Palace Museum .

  10. 在绘画上,被尊为画祖的顾恺之和他的卷轴画最具有代表性。

    Gu kaizhi , known as the founder of traditional Chinese painting , and his scroll paintings , represented the painting style of the period .

  11. 附有唐卡(卷轴画)和英文说明的米拉热巴全传由托尼斯密特完成,于1952年在斯德哥尔摩出版。

    The complete life of Milarepa as illustrated in tankas ( painted scrolls ) with English commentary was produced by Toni Schmid and published in Stockholm in1952 .

  12. 中国画的线,从拙到工,从工到写,从壁画到卷轴画,又从卷轴画到其他艺术样式,无处不张显其终极意义。

    The line of traditional Chinese painting does make public its ultimate meaning anywhere from dull to meticulous , from meticulous to impressionistic , from mural painting to scroll painting and from scroll painting to other art forms .

  13. 在中国绘画艺术中,无论山水画还是花鸟画,无论工笔画还是写意画,无论卷轴画还是石窟壁画,也都或多或少的有装饰性绘画语言的存在。

    In Chinese drawing art , regardless of landscape painting or flower-and-bird painting , regardless of fine drawings or painting in the impresionistic manner , regardless of reel picture or rock cave mural , also all more or less has the cosmetic drawing language existence .

  14. 本文通过对卷轴山水画作品的形制和展观方式的研究,总结归纳山水画作品两种类型的展观方式,以及不同展观方式下传统山水画的几种空间处理的理论和方法。

    In this paper , the shape of the scroll landscape paintings and the exhibition concept works the way research works summarized are two types of exhibition landscape view mode and different modes of traditional landscape painting exhibition concept several spatial processing theory and methods .

  15. 在使用过程中,卷轴式窗帘灯饰画能够随使用者的主观意愿随意操作,收放自如。

    During the using process , the scroll curtain lighting painting can be freely operated according to the subjective will of a user and is freely deployed and retracted .