
  • 网络HAZARD;dangerous source
  1. 基于GIS的多模式重大危险源监控系统的研究

    Study on Monitoring and Control System with Multi-modes for Major Hazard Installation Based on GIS

  2. 基于组件式GIS技术建立城市重大危险源管理系统。

    Based on component GIS ( ComGIS ), the major hazard installations management system is built .

  3. H的确定根据各危险源危险情况综合产生,文章给出了建筑工地主要危险源的评价指标体系。

    The detailed assessment parameters for danger resource were given in the paper .

  4. 如危险源辨别增加“(c)条行为、能力和其它的人为因素”。

    Such as dangerous source discriminability increased "( c ) the behavior , and other human factors " .

  5. 基于GIS的城市危险源管理系统

    Management System of Urban Dangers Based on GIS

  6. 基于GIS工业危险源和隐患控制及应急调控技术的应用研究

    Study on GIS Based Emergency Control and Adjustment Measures for Industrial Risk Sources and Hidden Dangers

  7. 基于GIS的石化重大危险源管理信息系统的研制与开发

    The development of a GIS-based management information system dealing with the hazardous source of petrochemical materials

  8. T.基于第三类危险源的风险管理计划研究

    Planning of Risk Management Based on Third Class Risk Sources

  9. 基于SPA模型的煤矿瓦斯危险源风险评价

    Application of risk evaluation in coalmine gas hazard based on model of SPA

  10. 面向重大危险源监控监管信息化的SaaS应用研究

    Study on application of SaaS in major hazard installations monitoring and management informatization

  11. 本文以安全系统工程的思想为指导,以GIS技术为基础,构建数据采集系统、电子政务监管平台、应急救援系统、决策支持系统、信息发布系统一体化的城市重大危险源防控体系模型。

    The paper establishes a city major hazards management and control system ( CMHMCS ) model based on the principle of electronic government and safety systematic engineering and GIS technology .

  12. 本文选用故障树分析(FTA)方法来进行舰船火灾爆炸事故危险源的辨识。

    The fault tree analysis ( FTA ) method is selected to identify the fire and explosion hazards on board .

  13. 通过GIS进行风险源管理,将能方便地表示城市各重大危险源的地理位置情况,和对危险源信息的录入、检查及查询;

    Through the application of Geographical Information System , the relative positions of hazard sources can be easily displayed on the city map , thus helping certain organizations have management of them .

  14. 设计了基于BP神经网络的动态液位测量模型和生产重大隐患和危险源的识别模型。

    Also this paper improved and optimize the basic BP arithmetic , and designed the measurement module of dynamic liquid level and the recognition module of incipient danger & hazards based BP NN .

  15. 阐述了各种风险评价方法的原理及优缺点。(4)重庆LPG储配库危险源辨识。

    Describes the various methods of risk assessment principles and advantages and disadvantages . ( 4 ) Hazard identification for Chongqing LPG storage and distribution libraries .

  16. 以GIS和数据库技术为基础,采用组件式集成二次开发方式,开发矿山重大危险源管理信息系统,为矿山安全生产和管理服务。

    By adopting the integrated secondary development method , very dangerous matter sources management information system in mine based on GIS and MDB is constructed . It offers effective support for safety production and management .

  17. 基于BP神经网络理论,结合掘进面瓦斯爆炸危险源特点,设计了掘进面瓦斯爆炸危险源BP神经网络安全评价程序。

    According to theory of BP neural network and feature of hazard of gas explosion of heading face , we design safety assessment procedure of BP neural network on three-class hazard of heading face gas explosion .

  18. 浅析220kV常规变电站综合自动化改造危险源的预控

    Analysis of pre-controlling risk source in transforming 220 kV normal power substation into automatization

  19. 简单地回顾了GIS的发展现状和国内外危险源控制技术的现状后,介绍了MHGIS在重大危险源管理领域中的应用。

    Its application is introduced after a review of the development of GIS and the status quo of MHGIS home and abroad .

  20. 基于灰色聚类评价法、BP神经网络原理和掘进面瓦斯爆炸的特点,设计了BP神经网络掘进面瓦斯爆炸危险源安全评价过程图。

    Based on the method of gray clustering , principle of BP neural network and characteristics of gas explosion in heading face , safety assessment procedural diagram of BP neural network on gas explosion hazard in heading face is designed .

  21. 介绍了如何改进LEC法,使其更科学地应用于港口施工重大危险源评价的方法。

    And else , how to improve the LEC law to make it more science applied to the port construction major hazard evaluation .

  22. 通过相关模型的运用评价了在LPG储罐区发生火灾爆炸后,相邻危险源发生多米诺事故的可能性,并对安全间距作了着重的分析。

    The possibility of domino accidents happening because of the related hazard sources is evaluated by using the related models when fire happens in LPG tank area and especially analysis is conducted on safety distance .

  23. 系统地分析了重大工业危险源与事故隐患;

    Major industrial risk sources and hidden dangers are systematically analyzed .

  24. 氯碱企业重大危险源事故模拟分析及应急预案

    Simulated analysis of great accident in chlor-alkali enterprises and emergency pretreatment

  25. 性能化防火设计中的火灾危险源分析及设定火灾

    Fire Hazard Analysis and Design Fire of Performance-based Fire Protection Design

  26. 工业重大危险源安全与环境影响研究

    Research on Safety and Environment Impact of Industrial Major Hazardous Installations

  27. 论重大危险源监控与重大事故隐患治理

    Discussion on Control of Major Hazards and of Major Accident Potential

  28. 加强法规建设完善重大危险源管理

    Strengthen the Legislation to Perfect the Management of Major Risk Source

  29. 广钢危险源辨识及控制技术实践

    Practice of dangerous source 's identification and controlling management in GISE

  30. 江阴市重大危险源评估方法的探讨

    Discussion on assessment of disastrous fire hazard source in Jiangyin city