
  1. 主要内容及结论如下:(1)结合危机生命周期理论和利他行为理论,提出一系列公众参与危机救助的行为差异假设。

    Contents and conclusions of the research include : 1 . Based on theories of Crisis Life Cycle and Altruistic Behavior , a series of hypothesis of crisis aid behavioral differences are made .

  2. 接下来,本文基于企业伦理的视角,根据危机的生命周期理论来划分案例,并以此为标准来分阶段详细分析案例。

    Secondly , this paper is based on the perspective of the enterprise ethics , according to the life cycle theory of crisis to differentiate case , according to the standard grading detailed analysis of case .

  3. 其次,阐述了危机管理理论&危机生命周期理论也就是芬克模型,对危机进行了分类;

    Secondly , the theory of crisis management & Crisis Circle Theory ( the Fink Model ) is illustrated .

  4. 通过探讨危机管理的概念以及应对危机管理的生命周期理论和全面危机管理机制,从理论与实践两方面提出了发达国家的危机管理机制与危机应对策略。

    The paper firstly discuss the concept of crisis management and the life recycle policy and the whole crisis management mechanism . And then it analysis the crisis management mechanism and strategy from of two aspects of theory and practice .

  5. 结合旅游管理理论中的旅游危机动态管理三阶段模型以及旅游危机生命周期理论探讨了旅游危机管理中对于危机事件应对体系的建设及阐述了旅游危机应对具体战略对策。

    With the tourism crisis management theory in the dynamic management of the " three stage " model of life-cycle theory and the tourism crisis , crisis management of the tourism crisis response system for the building and described specific strategies for the tourism crisis response measures .