
  • 网络imprint;inking
  1. 印刻与学习:学习心理学中的新论题

    Imprinting as learning : a new issue in psychology of learning

  2. 一般倾向于承认印刻是学习的一种特殊形式。

    There is a general trend towards accepting that imprinting should be regarded as a special form of learning .

  3. 钇改性PZT薄膜的极化印刻研究

    Imprint Properties of Yttrium Modified PZT Thin Films

  4. 发现了梯度铁电薄膜存在纳米尺度印刻现象,认为该现象的内因源于薄膜中的内偏场。

    The nanoscale imprint phenomena were also observed in the thin film .

  5. 光的印刻&天印艺术会馆设计实录

    Depict Of Light & The Design Memoir of Tianyin Art Assembly Hall

  6. 印刻在岁月的里程碑里。

    Engraved in a milestone in years to come .

  7. 把和你在一起的每个瞬间都印刻在我的脑海里。

    Xerox every moment with you in my mind .

  8. 这个数字不可磨灭地印刻在她的脑海中。

    The number was indelibly printed on her brain .

  9. 许多书籍通过活字印刷术得以印刻。

    Many books were printed using movable type .

  10. 没错,所以这个理论说:左边的脸印刻在了我们的记忆中。

    Right . And so the theory goes : the left side of the face becomes imprinted in our memories .

  11. 在这个过程里面,我们放在搜索框里的搜索词,已经印刻在我们的即时记忆之中。

    In this process , the label , the query we plugged into the search box , remains embedded in working memory .

  12. 我知道刚孵出的小雁经过人的印刻作用很容易跟着新饲养它们的人走。

    I knew that just-hatched geese imprinted on humans will easily adapt to following around after the people who take over their care .

  13. 仅仅受到硕大带有刺针的蚊子的干扰的居民们将核能站的标志印刻在大楼上和汤碗上来为原子能庆祝欢呼。

    Disturbed only by gigantic stinging mosquitoes , the townsfolk celebrate the atomic hurray by engraving the nuclear power plant logo on buildings and soup bowls .

  14. 每个成长的轨迹都印刻着无数艰辛的故事,我们同样经历和见证了改革发展的壮阔际遇。

    Every path of growing is full of innumerable hardly stories , our growing also came through and viewed the grand fortune of open and development .

  15. 用中间相沥青作碳源,硅胶水溶液作造孔剂,采用胶体印刻法制得一系列中孔碳。

    Mesoporous carbons ( MCs ) were prepared by an imprinting method , using mesophase pitch and nanometer colloidal silica solution as carbon precursors and pore generators , respectively .

  16. 我们在前次设计的基础上发展了两个具有新关系的主题:非比喻性的建筑与直接印刻在场域中的比喻性标志。

    Our proposal puts in a new relationship two themes that we have developed in our previous work : non-figurative architecture and figurative signs directly imprinted on the territory .

  17. 印刻作用,烙印:社会性动物生命早期出现的认知过程,通过与父母或一个其他角色模式的接触而形成的特别的行为方式。

    A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model .

  18. 他使用了一种称作“印刻作用”的程序,即鸟类一出蛋壳就紧随它所看见的第一个移动的物体。

    Carrick got the geese to follow him by using a process called imprinting in which the birds attach to the first moving object they see after breaking out of their shells .

  19. 当我渐渐长大,我开始意识到这是因为那是深深印刻在我体内的灵魂烙印。

    As I grew older , I began to realize that the reason my dream was even born in the first place , was because it was something that was inside of me .

  20. 这些景象印刻在了当时目睹者的脑海里,可后代人还能像亲历者那样感受这些重要时刻吗?

    These are engraved in the minds of those who witnessed them at the time , but will future generations have the chance be able to experience them with the same sense of immediacy ?

  21. 每一种生活的元素都清晰地印刻在生活几何的舒适情调里,正如天空中渐行渐远的影线,不经意间装饰着大地的风景。

    Each kind of elements of life all print in the comfortable sentimental appeal of LIFE ? G , like the long lines in the air which is decorating the scene of the earth freely .

  22. 摘要罗马帝国对欧洲古典文明发展的贡献特别是它的“大一统”统治深深地印刻在了欧洲历史上,成为萦绕欧洲人心头的一种“情结”。

    Roman empire 's contribution to the classical cultural development of europe , especially its unification in europe , which becomes one kind of complex in the European psychology , has left deep prints in the European history .

  23. 在分别依据旅游体验两极情感模型、心理印刻理论和沉浸理论,确定三个体验构成要素的测量维度分别是愉悦度、深刻度和沉浸度。

    Then according to two-pole emotion of tourist experience model , imprinting theory and absorption theory , happiness degree , profound degree and absorption degree are identified to measure the three constructing factors of emotional state , cognitive states and consciousness state .

  24. 现在印已刻好,附上一扫瞄的印文供大家分享。

    Now the seal is done , and one stamp is scanned for all to share .

  25. 刻,写,雕在表面上写,印,刻或雕上(词或字母)

    To write , print , carve , or engrave ( words or letters ) on or in a surface .