
Yìndùníxīyà rén
  • Indonesian
  1. 其他地区参与调查的同样拥有澳大利亚房产的情况是,百分之十八的印度人、百分之十九的印度尼西亚人和新加坡人、百分之二十六的马来西亚人和百分之五的台湾人。

    Of the rich Indians surveyed 18 per cent owned Australian property , 19 per cent of Indonesians and Singaporeans , 26 per cent of Malaysians , and 5 per cent of wealthy Taiwanese .

  2. 可能担心国外的食物味道不够:38%的新西兰人都会备上番茄酱,41%的印度尼西亚人会带辣椒酱,而38%的墨西哥人会带罐装辣椒。

    Perhaps fearing that food overseas might need seasoning , ketchup was the essential item for 38 percent of New Zealanders , while 41 percent of Indonesians packed hot sauce and 38 percent of Mexicans carried canned chillies .

  3. 据《费尔费克斯》报业报道,澳洲人对于退休金问题的了解强于法国、西班牙和印度尼西亚人,但要逊色于马来西亚人。调查显示,超过一半的马来西亚受访者“对自己的退休金问题了如指掌”。

    Australians ranked as more aware than people from France , Spain or Indonesia , but behind those in Malaysia where more than half of workers can " put their finger on their retirement income , " Fairfax newspapers report .

  4. 在今年的奥斯卡奖(AcademyAwards)颁奖典礼上,一部讲述上世纪60年代印度尼西亚上百万人惨遭屠杀的震撼纪录片最终未能赢得小金人,也使得近来人们要求印尼官方调查这段黑暗历史的呼声有所减弱。

    A groundbreaking documentary about the killing of hundreds of thousands of Indonesians in the 1960s has lost its bid for an Oscar , taking with it some of the nascent buzz around establishing an official investigation into a dark period in the Southeast Asian country .

  5. 但是印度尼西亚的年轻人喜欢尝试新技术。

    But Indonesia has a young population interested in trying new technology .