
wèi shēnɡ jīn
  • sanitary towel;tampon;feminine napkin
  1. 能不能去帮我买包卫生巾?

    Can you go and get me a tampon ?

  2. 消毒后的卫生巾在室温下放3~5d,环氧乙烷残留量≤66.8mg/kg。

    The residual ethylene oxide in the disinfected sanitary belt after laying aside for 3 ~ 5 days was ≤ 66.8 mg / kg .

  3. 美国的PEPFAR项目为他们提供艾滋病信息,其中包括同卫生巾配套的装备的信息。

    The American program known as PEPFAR provided the H.I.V.information to include in kits with the napkins .

  4. 本文结合岳阳石化总厂橡胶厂生产的1105和1209两种新牌号SIS的性能和结构特点,论述了SIS配制溶剂型胶粘剂、热熔型压敏胶、妇女卫生巾用胶粘剂的配方特点及应用情况。

    The properties of two SIS types ( 1209 and 1105 ) made in China were measured and the application of the SIS in solvent-base adhesive , hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive for sanitary towel and adhesive tape is also described .

  5. 怎么没把毛巾弄得像卫生巾?

    And the towel didn 't look like no goddamn maxipad .

  6. 妇女卫生巾用双面压敏胶带的研制

    Development of Two-sided Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Tape for Women 's Sanitary Napkins

  7. 卫生巾(美国英语)用纸巾擦鼻子,不要用袖子!

    Wipe your nose with a napkin , not your sleeve !

  8. 那么在我们使用卫生巾时会有哪些错呢?

    Well , we use sanitary napkins , which will be wrong ?

  9. 我坐过的大腿比我用过的卫生巾还多。

    I 've been in more laps than a napkin .

  10. 连够给她妈买卫生巾的钱都不够。

    Even enough to give her mother enough money to buy sanitary napkins .

  11. 曲线刃滚切刀是用来加工护翼卫生巾的专用刀具。

    The curve-edged hobbing cutter is used in producing rectangular wing sanitary napkin .

  12. 现在,全国有卫生巾生产企业数百家,各类品牌举不胜举。

    Now , the national sanitary napkin production enterprises , have hundreds of brand list .

  13. 有卫生巾吗

    Have you got any sanitary towels ?

  14. 请勿将卫生巾丢在厕所内,可使用特别提供的袋子。

    Do not put sanitary towels in the toilet , but use the special bag provided .

  15. 她会不会记得把卫生巾放到书包里以防明天来例假?

    Did she remember to put pads in her bag in case she gets her period tomorrow ?

  16. 超薄卫生巾专用生产设备,小包装新颖雅致。

    It is the special equipment to produce ultra-thin sanitary napkin with delicate and beautiful small package .

  17. 由于卫生巾的使用不当、药物滥用等原因导致霉菌性感染增多;

    Communications caused by mildew are increasing because of improper usage of sanitary towels and abusive medications .

  18. 纯棉毛巾前处理工艺实践绒毛浆的吸水速度直接决定了卫生巾系列产品的性能。

    The water absorption velocity of fluff slurry determines the performance of sanitary towel series products directly .

  19. 所以,一个叫AmericaShare的组织开始与强生公司合作,生产可洗的卫生巾。

    So a group called AmericaShare worked with the Johnson & Johnson company to produce washable sanitary napkins .

  20. 这些申请的产品领域从减肥服务、墙纸到卫生巾、酒类都有。

    Applications have been submitted for products ranging from weight-loss aids and wallpaper to sanitary towels and alcohol .

  21. 请勿向便池内投入纸巾、杯子、卫生巾、瓶子、剃须刀、杂物等。

    Please do not throw towels , cups , sanitary napkins , bottles , razor blaze , objects in toilet .

  22. 安尔洗液是恒安集团继卫生巾、家庭用纸、化妆品之后推出的又一极具市场潜力的产品。

    Aner lotion is another new product after sanitation napkin , tissue paper and cosmetics which have great potential competition .

  23. 对这种纤维棉稍做改进后,金伯利公司最终推出首个用于维护女性健康的卫生巾。

    Kimberly-Clark took note , and after a little tinkering produced their first sanitary napkin expressly for women 's health .

  24. 卫生巾市场经过几十年的发展已经非常成熟,消费者对卫生巾的功用早已十分熟悉。

    Sanitary napkin market after decades of development has very mature and consumer to sanitary napkin function already is very familiar .

  25. 独立小包装型式设计先进,适应高速生产,尤其适宜大规格卫生巾的生产。

    Independent small package is advanced in designing , complying with high-speed production , especially suitable to produce large-diameter sanitary napkin .

  26. 企业投资,妇女卫生巾,婴儿及成人尿裤,卫生纸,餐及手巾产品生产与批发。

    Investment holdings ; lady napkins , baby and adult diapers , toilet-roll and tissue paper products , manufacturing and distribution .

  27. 卫生巾我们没有没有没关系

    We don 't have sanitary towels , no. No ? All right , not to worry . It 's all right .

  28. 可靠的厂家,可靠的商店,良好的口碑,自己的切身经验,仍然是选购卫生巾最基本的常识。

    The most common senesce of choosing sanitary napkin consist of reliable manufacture , reliable shop , reliable reputation and the buyer 's experience .

  29. 可生产吸收体为无尘纸或绒毛浆卫生巾。棉芯包裹成型。

    It can produce stereo-protection sanitary napkin with air-laid paper and fluffy pulp as absorbent material . cotton core is molding in package type .

  30. 原来自己用过的卫生巾没有包好,扔在垃圾桶里被儿子发现了。

    The sanitary towel that so oneself had used is good without the bag , threw in ash-bin to be discovered by the son .