
  • satellite observation station
  1. 来自国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站的天文学家杨光(音译)表示,没有任何科学证据表明,周五将是世界末日。

    Yang Guang , an astronomer at the National Astronomical Observatories satellite observation station in Changchun , said there is no scientific reason to think the world will end on Friday .

  2. 最终长春人造卫星观测站的SLR系统实现了常规白天KHz卫星激光测距。

    Finally , the SLR system in Changchun Satellite Observatory accomplishes the improvement of KHz SLR in daytime .

  3. 针对长春人造卫星观测站KHz测距系统论述了在白天运转条件下,典型的背景噪声量,估算白天探测概率。

    Typical background noise and successful detection rate in daytime is discussed base on KHz SLR system in Changchun Satellite Observatory .

  4. 如果没有,计划中其他的人造卫星观测站也许能够继续用来进行暗物质的研究。

    If not , he says there are some other satellite observatories in the works which might be able to continue the dark matter research .

  5. 经过1997年8月对中科院长春人造卫星观测站卫星激光测距系统的技术改造,使系统的观测精度和稳定性都有了很大的提高。

    After the technical restructure implemented in August 1997 in Changchun Artificial Satellite Observatory , the range precision and stability of the satellite laser ranging system have been greatly improved .

  6. 利用卫星多普勒测定观测站地心坐标

    The determination of geocentric coordinates by means of satellite Doppler method on a single station

  7. 对多项式求导获得了卫星在地面观测站过顶点上的最小钟差值,实现了卫星时钟的星地时间同步。两者差异极显著。

    Then the accurate clock difference when the satellite is over the top of ground station can be obtained through the differential of the polynomial , thereby the synchronization of satellite clocks is realized .

  8. 给出了一种利用圆方程和直线方程判断GPS卫星是否落在观测站天顶圆锥体范围内的方法和判据。

    A method of ascertain GPS within cone above observation station with circle equation and line equations , and adjudicate .