
  • 网络Rwandan genocide
  1. 在卢旺达种族大屠杀时,我周围满是尸体和一些恐怖的东西,但没有一门特定的课程能教我如何安然度过。

    When I was in Rwanda in the genocide and was surrounded by bodies and had seen terrible things , there was no one particular class that I 've taken that helped me get through .

  2. 接下来的两年里,我奔走于一个个被战争摧毁的国家之间,到过波士尼亚,见过南非总统曼德拉的竞选以及卢旺达的种族大屠杀,这些经历最终为我主持的节目《潜伏》做好了铺垫。

    And I spent really the next two years going from one war-torn country to another : Bosnia , South Africa for Mandela 's election . I was in Rwanda for the genocide , which makes ultimately doing The Mole a natural step , as you can see where I 'm going .