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  • cartoon
  1. 2008年,芝加哥的美国艺术家迈克尔·拉科维茨(MichaelRakowitz)画了一系列卡通画,名叫《反击帝国》(StriketheEmpireBack),讲的是萨达姆·侯赛因的儿子乌代以及他对《星球大战》的痴迷。

    In Bidoun in 2008 , the Chicago-based American artist Michael Rakowitz did a series of cartoon drawings called " Strike the Empire Back , " about Saddam Hussein 's son Uday and his obsession with " Star Wars . " The first Iraqi screening of " Star Wars "

  2. 这幅卡通画和这个新名字引起了轰动。

    The cartoon was sensation , and so was the new name .

  3. 旁边交相辉映的是一幅妻子希勒的卡通画,她身穿1992年竞选时的运动衫,上面印有闺蜜希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)的画像。

    Propped up nearby is a cartoon of Shearer in a 1992 campaign sweater bearing a picture of close pal Hillary Clinton .

  4. 对我来说,卡通画给了我强烈的认同感。

    So for me , cartooning gave me a sense of identity .

  5. 更通俗的新闻报刊喜欢使用卡通画和幽默漫画。

    The more popular newspapers like to use cartoons and humorous drawings .

  6. 这种卡通画为什么这么流行?

    A : Why is this cartoon so popular ?

  7. 于是她画了一些卡通画,把它们贴到她的窗户上。

    Then she draws some cartoon pictures and puts them on her window .

  8. 这三个特征分别是:浪漫的自由符号、不完全的重复、趣味的卡通画。

    The features are romantic freeness symbol , incomplete repletion and amusing cartoons .

  9. 剪一些卡通画一起分享令人发笑的故事。

    Clip cartoons . Share articles and funny stories .

  10. 这是一张让人心情愉快、有趣的卡片,前面是一幅卡通画。

    It was a lighthearted , funny card with a cartoon on the front .

  11. 我们阅读故事书和看卡通画。

    We read storybooks and look at cartoons .

  12. 都看不懂那些卡通画。

    Can 't even understand the Dang cartoons .

  13. 你说卡通画太过分了。

    That you said that cartoon was overdone .

  14. 报纸声称他们出版这些卡通画是作为一种政治抗议的形式。

    The newspaper says it published the cartoons as a form of political protest .

  15. 其实这副卡通画蛮简单的。

    Well , this cartoon is easy .

  16. 在画室里素描绘画。描绘海中怪物的卡通画;

    Drawing and painting In the art room : a cartoon depicting a sea monster ;

  17. 描绘海中怪物的卡通画;

    A cartoon depicting a sea monster ;

  18. 听一听,看一看卡通画。

    Listen and watch the cartoon .

  19. 像卡通画一样没有阴影的图画。

    Unshaded drawings resembling cartoons .

  20. 现在汀噶汀噶已经风靡西方世界,开始出现了相关的卡通画。

    Indeed the Tingatinga is so popular in the Western world that it 's being digitizes into a cartoon .

  21. 其实,卡通片、卡通画也是给成年人看的,人人都需要有这种让人轻松,高兴的消遣。

    In fact cartoons and comics are also for grown-ups , people need this kind of relaxing and happy pastime .

  22. 你可能会被给予一张图片或是卡通画并且要求你对它进行描述而且要解释他的表面意思和内在涵义。

    You may be given a picture or cartoon and asked to describe it and explain its significance or meaning .

  23. 沃尔特想画一些像他在报纸上看到的那样的卡通画,但他没有空闲时间。

    Walt wanted to draw cartoons like those he saw in the newspapers , but he had little free time .

  24. 但男性的情况却不同,他们似乎从最开始就对卡通画的趣味性抱有很大期待。女性对有趣的笑话的反应时间比男性略长,但却能更快识破冷笑话。

    The women took slightly longer than the men to react to jokes that were funny-but were quicker to spot duds .

  25. 科学家让16位男士和16位女士在45分钟之内,为20张《纽约客》杂志上的卡通画写出幽默的配图文字。

    Scientists had 16 male and 16 female subjects write funny captions for 20 New Yorker magazine cartoons in 45 minutes .

  26. 我就是画卡通画的,对我来说,玩具在我生活中特别重要,这大概就是我的独特之处。

    I draw cartoons , for me , toys are important in my life , this probably is my unique point .

  27. 但男性的情况却不同,他们似乎从最开始就对卡通画的趣味性抱有很大期待。

    This was not the case for men , who seemed to expect the cartoons to be funny from the start .

  28. 翌日,他在报社的办公室里画了一幅卡通画:一个小面包中夹着一只达克斯狗&不是达克斯香肠而是一只达克斯狗。

    The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun with a dachshund inside-not a dachshund sausage , but a dachshund .

  29. 随后一幅卡通画出现在了报纸上,画中宣称“每日一苹果,医生远离我”理论被授予诺贝尔奖。

    A newspaper cartoon then appeared announcing the award of a Nobel Prize for " an apple a day keeps the doctor away " .

  30. 人员让十名男性和十名女性看几十张黑白卡通画,并让对画“趣味评级”。

    Scientists asked ten men and ten women to look at dozens of black and white cartoons and rate them on a'funniness scale ' .