
  • 网络calvert;Sandra Calvert
  1. 托船驶离卡尔弗特岛海岸朝哈凯航道驶去。

    The tug was seaward of the Hakai Passage on a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline .

  2. 2012年底,两位关注绿色科技的投资者杜恩(Doen)和卡尔弗特(Calvert)向OneEarthDesigns注入了一大笔资金,令该公司得以设立一条生产线。

    In late 2012 One Earth Designs received a substantial cash injection from two green technology-focused investors , Doen and Calvert , which enabled it to set up a production line .

  3. 卡尔弗特家的老房子已经住上黑人了!

    And there were Negroes living in the old Calvert house !

  4. 我们选择让卡尔弗特带我们走,因为他说他认识路。

    We chose Calvert to lead us as he said he knew the way .

  5. 卡尔弗特新兴欧洲可持续发展基金

    Calvert Emerging Europe Fund for Sustainable Development

  6. 塔尔顿家和卡尔弗特家的几个小伙子的吻,也从来不像这样叫她热一阵冷一阵地浑身颤抖。

    Never had the kisses of the Tarleton and Calvert boys made her go hot and cold and shaky like this .

  7. 卡尔弗特喜欢玩家们在学习英语的过程中游戏中的女孩和男孩角色们扩大的吸引力。

    Calvert likes how the game has girl and boy characters to broaden the appeal while the players are learning English .

  8. 我认为让孩子们参与各种活动是接近他们的方法。”卡尔弗特说道。

    I think that trying to engage children in the kinds of activities that they do is just the way to approach them , " Calvert said .