
bó xué
  • learned;erudite;well-read;wide range of studies or learning
博学 [bó xué]
  • [erudite;learned] 知识渊博

  • 他是本城中极方正,质朴,博学的人。--鲁迅《从百草园到三昧书屋》

博学[bó xué]
  1. 他很博学,但既不妄自尊大也不卖弄学问。

    He is learned , but neither stuffy nor pedantic .

  2. 她的神父博学的罗伯特・Blondel提出她与寓言的论文“地狱十二危险,”哪些他组成了为她(1455)。

    Her chaplain the learned Robert Blondel presents her with the allegorical Treatise of the " Twelve Perils of Hell ," which he composed for her ( 1455 ) .

  3. 他很博学。

    The range of his erudition is wide .

  4. 孔子是有史以来最为博学的教师之一。

    Confucius was one of the wisest teachers of all times .

  5. 即使最优秀的结业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地研究。

    Even the outstanding excellent graduate will learn constantly if he likes to be a pundit .

  6. 但更多的是因为我的喜好,我真的喜欢聪明、博学、受过良好教育的女孩。

    But more to my preferences . I 'm just really attracted to a woman who is smart , well-read and educated .

  7. 两个小孩,争论不孔子无法判断谁是谁两个小孩嘲笑他说:“谁说你博学多知呢!”

    Confucius was unable to judge who was right . The two children laughed at him : " Who said you are learned3 and erudite ? "

  8. 回忆我在圣·蒙塔格大学的生活,我总是会想到我在那的第一年时发生的这件事。当时,我非常郁闷得发现我得和三个当时看来很博学的学生共享图书馆。

    In the process of recalling my college days , I am reminded of that momentous1 occasion during my first year at St Montague 's , when , by some irksome and malign2 fate , I discovered myself sharing the confines of the school library with three well-read scholars of that time .

  9. 良好用户界面的一个关键属性是一致性,但是这需要一个博学勤勉的开发团队才能设计符合这种设计标准的Web页面。

    One key attribute for a good user interface is consistency , but it still takes a knowledgeable and diligent development team to create the Web pages that follow through on that design .

  10. 正相反,机警又博学,警官Cuff是一个著名的城市警察。

    On the contrary , with shrewdness and knowledge , Sergeant Cuff is a famous city policeman .

  11. Christensen认为Peek在博学的人中也是独一无二的。

    Christensen considers Peek unique among savants .

  12. 分析家已经预言,博学者已经声称,教授已经讲演,公司已经匆忙的卖他们的产品,作为SOA产品&经常失去SOA不是一个产品的要点。

    Analysts have predicted , pundits have professed , professors have lectured , companies have scurried to sell what they had , as SOA products & often missing the point that SOA is not a product .

  13. 如果说查尔斯达尔文(charlesdarwin)是现代生物学之父,那么现代智力测试之父就是他的外甥弗朗西斯高尔顿(francisgalton)统计学家、博学家和优生学的奠基人。

    If Charles Darwin is the father of modern biology , then the father of modern intelligence testing is his cousin , Francis Galton statistician , polymath and founder of eugenics .

  14. 然而,我们一位最为博学之一的读者指出,三月与疯狂之间的关系要回溯到更为久远以前:古老的英语短语“madasaMarchhare”(疯得像只三月的野兔)可追溯至1500年代。

    One of our erudite readers , however , pointed out that the link between March and madness is much older : The old English phrase " mad as a March hare " stretches back to the 1500s .

  15. 有学问的n.饱学之士例句新英格兰的作家,虽然不乏博学之士,却不尽熟悉当代的英国作品不学无术的人总是伪装知识渊博。

    having or showing great knowledge that is gained from academic study New England authors , though often erudite men , were not always acquainted with the work of English contemporaries . The unlearned always pretend to be erudite .

  16. 威利斯·巴恩斯通(WillisBarnstone)是一位博学强识的作家,著有70多部作品&他是诗人、翻译家,同时也是研究诺斯替教和《圣经·新约》的学者。

    Willis Barnstone is a polymath author of more than 70 books & a poet , translator and scholar of Gnosticism and the New Testament .

  17. 凡尔赛宫的生活似乎就是漫长的唇枪舌剑,如果能展示出“esprit”——聪明、博学且时常很尖刻的机锋,并让其他人显得可笑——那么你就能赢得地位。

    Life at Versailles was apparently a protracted battle of wits . You gained status if you showed " esprit " - clever , erudite and often caustic wit , aimed at making rivals look ridiculous .

  18. 来自加州尔湾学院(IrvineCollege)的学生苏丹·西良(SairaSultan)说,她每周都向TutorVista的老师请教好几次英语和数学课上的问题,而老师们博学而友善。

    Saira Sultan , an Irvine , Calif. , college student , says the TutorVista tutors she taps several times a week for help with her English and math courses are pleasant and knowledgeable .

  19. 第三件事是迈克尔是个相当博学的人。

    And the third thing was that Michael was extremely well-read .

  20. 变成了一个迷人,博学,优秀的受过朱丽亚音乐学院教育的音乐家

    to the charming , erudite , brilliant , Juilliard-trained musician .

  21. 迪洛矮人的领导者和博学长老是制造骚扰和混乱的大师。

    Derro leaders and savants are masters of harassment and confusion .

  22. 他的朋友夸奖他的慷慨、机智与博学。

    His friends praised his generosity , wit and learning .

  23. 我们通过对神的敬畏成为明智和博学的人。

    We become wise and knowledgeable through our fear of the Lord .

  24. 他是个学者,一个真正博学的人。

    He is a scholar , a genuinely learned man .

  25. 他博学精明,并且有着出色、冷静的判断力。

    He was well-informed and shrewd , with good , calm judgment .

  26. 诡辩者的学堂,和博学者的宗族;

    At the sophist schools , and the learned clan ;

  27. 君子博学而日参省乎己。

    Participation date erudite gentleman and even their own province .

  28. 博学而笃志,切问而近思。

    Learn widely , inquire earnestly , and deal with things thoughtfully .

  29. “他很博学,但既不妄自尊大也不卖弄学问。”

    " He is learned , but neither stuffy nor pedantic . "

  30. 他非常博学,而且对我们很严格。

    He is very knowledgable and quite strict with us .