
  1. 关于设置教育博士专业学位的政策建议

    Considering on the policy suggestion of setting up professional doctor degree of education

  2. 最早设置教育博士专业学位的国家是美国,它也是教育博士专业学位教育发展最先进的国家。

    The United States is the earliest country which set Professional Doctorate in Education and also the most developed country of Ed.D. .

  3. 通过本篇论文,可以使我们进一步了解美国教育博士专业学位在发展与改革中的经验和教训,这对于我国教育博士专业学位的发展,有一定的借鉴和指导意义。

    Through the research , we can further learn about the experience and lesson from the development and reform of the United States professional doctorate in education .