
  • 网络Central China
  1. 在一楼,国广成就了卡地亚国内最大旗舰店、HUGOBOSS华中区首家旗舰店

    On the first floor , there are the greatest flagship shop of Louis Francois Cartier in domestic China and the first flagship shop of HUGOBOSS in central China

  2. 华中区1种,占2.7%;

    In Central China there is 1 species , occupying 2.7 % .

  3. T/R值比华东区和华中区都要高;

    The value of T / R is higher than that of E.

  4. 华中区城市型鹭鸟栖息地营建技术

    Construction techniques for the city heronries in Central China

  5. 华中区自然景观分类研究

    The classification of the natural landscapes in Central China

  6. 在中国动物地理区中,华中区44种,比重达54.32%;

    In the Zoogeographical region of China , 44 species ( 54.32 % ) are the Central region ;

  7. 华大教育学院更是一个社会服务机构,它以华中区基督教中学为服务中心,组织它们参加教育讨论会,对其教师进行在职培训等。

    Thirdly , it was a social work organization , which object was the Christian middle schools of central China .

  8. 从中国特有属的分布式样等证据来看,本区与华中区系的关系更为密切。

    According to the distribution pattern of endemic genera to China , the flora is more closely allied to central China .

  9. 其中华南区和华中区的主枢纽港已基本确定,集装箱发展格局也已初步形成。

    Southern District and Central District in which the main hub port has been basically established , container development pattern has taken shape .

  10. 最后提出针对华中区农业面源污染的综合防控模式及相关政策建议。

    Finally , the study brought up the comprehensive control mode and policy suggestions for the agricultural non-point source pollution of the central area .

  11. 根据华中区内部在自然条件和区系特性上的差别,华中区可划分为6个亚区。

    On the basis of some internal differences of the natural conditions and the floristic characteristics , this region can be divided into six subregion .

  12. 在中国动物地理区划的归属上,以华中区种为主,占29.16%;华中、华南、西南三区共有种次之,占22.91%。

    According to the animal fauna of China , 29.16 % of the species are confined to central China , 22.91 % to central , southern and southwestern China .

  13. 此外,科昆虫在中国的一个主要分布特点就是多数种类集中分布于华中区、华南区和西南区;

    Moreover , t he main distribution character of Chinese Perlidae is that most of the species distribute Central China region , South China region and Southwest China region .

  14. 根据地理分布图及有关统计分析,认为东北区南部-华北区北部和华中区南部&东南部是这个属在中国的分布中心、分化中心和特有中心。

    Based on the geographical distribution and statistical analyses , southern of Southeast China , northern North China and southern Central China are the likely center of distribution , differentiation center and endemic center of this genus respectively .

  15. 根据地理分布图及有关分析,认为华中区中部、华北区西北部是该属的丰富度中心和分布中心,华中区中部为中国扁叶甲多样性中心和分化中心。

    Based on the geographical distribution and statistical analyses , central part of Central China and northwest North China are likely center of distribution , and the central part of Central China is diversity and differentiation center of this genus .

  16. 小麦生产华北、华中区布局扩大受人均耕地规模扩大、灌溉条件改善及技术进步影响,东北、西南、华东区布局缩减受自然灾害及非农产业发展影响。

    Wheat production distribution expanded in north area and central area is affected by per capita arable land , irrigation and technological advances , reduced in north-east , south-west , east area by natural disasters and the impact of non-agricultural industries .

  17. 基于GIS的华中丘陵区耕地地力评价研究

    Evaluation of the farmland productivity of hilly region of central China based on GIS

  18. 抗战时期日本在华中沦陷区的殖民统治及破产

    Japanese Colonial Rule in the Occupied Middle of China in Anti-Japanese Wartime

  19. 华中植物区的特有种子植物

    Notes on Endemic Seed Plants in the Floristic Region of Central China

  20. 20世纪90年代以来,以长沙、株洲、南昌等城市为中心的华中酸雨区成为全国酸雨污染最严重的地区。

    Central China , Changsha , Zhuzhou and Nanchang are center cities , has become the severest acid rain region since the last decade of 20th century .

  21. 华中植物区系具有比中国其它地区更丰富的古老、孑遗和特有成分,被称之为中国植物区系的核心地区。

    The floristic region of central China is referred to as the core of the Chinese flora with more archaic , relic and endemic elements than any other places in China .

  22. 湘西土家族苗族自治州位于武陵山区东部,属华中植物区系,植物资源十分丰富,对全州8个县市的调研表明,野生食用植物是当地少数民族传统膳食结构中的重要组成成分。

    Western Hunan Tujia and Miao Nationalities Autonomous Prefecture consists of8 counties located at the east of Wuling MTs with rich plant resources , floristically put into the Central China Region .

  23. 南部是华中地洼区的西段。

    The southern portion is the western section of the Central China diwa region .

  24. 我一直对你的能力非常有信心,我知道当初任命你为华中地区大区经理的决定是正确的。

    I have been always confident in your ability , and I know I made a good decision to appoint you as the regional manager in Central China .

  25. 在我国动物地理区划中,河南蜘蛛有54种分布类型,跨区分布的种类、仅分布于华中、华北区的种类比例均较高,符合河南过渡性、兼容性、多源性的区系特点。

    In the zoogeographical regions of China , there are 54 distribution patterns . The proportion of multi-regions , central China region and north China region species are high all .

  26. 该区系西南部地区与秦岭大巴山,华中及西南区系联系密切,而北部地区显示华北区系特色;

    The west-south of Henan closely relates to the flora of south - west , central China and Qinling-Daba mountains system , the north possesses the north china flora features .

  27. 群落中均出现的少数热带分布植物和中国特有种分布表明,3个群落虽归于华北植物区系,但与西南、华中等植物区系也有广泛的联系,体现出植物交汇和过渡的特点。

    A few tropical distribution plants and endemic distribution plants showed that although the communities were attributed to the North China flora , they had a wide connection with southwest and central flora , reflecting the characteristics of plant interaction and transition .

  28. 研究了华中神农架自然保护区毛金竹(Phyllostachysnigravar.henonis(Mitford)Stapf.exRendle)从发笋到成竹的营养生长行为。

    In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China , the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo ( Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis ( Mitford ) Stapf . ex Rendle ) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm establishment .

  29. 华中师范大学教学区总体规划

    Master Plan of the Teaching Zone in Central China Normal University

  30. 在标本室检查和野外考察的基础上,对北五味子和华中五味子的分布区作了订正。对华中五味子果实性状进行系统研究。

    Based on both herbarium examination and field investigation , the ranges of Schisandra chinensis and S. sphenanthera have been studied and corrected .