
  • 网络Semiconductor packaging;Semiconductor package;assembly
  1. 利用WinSock实现半导体封装设备的通信

    Semiconductor Packaging Equipment Communication Using WinSock

  2. 封装技术的发展给半导体封装设备带来了新的挑战,在BGA芯片需求不断增长的情况下,市场迫切需要开发一种新的满足BGA封装要求的自动化封装设备。

    New packaging technology brings forward new challenge for semiconductor packaging device . The demands of BGA chips grows quickly , so that the market has a bad need of new automatic BGA packaging device .

  3. 环氧塑封料(EpoxyMoldingCompound)是一种半导体封装用电子材料,主要应用于半导体器件和集成电路芯片的封装。

    Epoxy Molding Compound ( EMC ) is a kind of electronic material applied in the package of semiconductor apparatus and IC chip .

  4. 英特尔(Intel)上周公布了一项计划,在胡志明市投资10亿美元建设一个半导体封装测试工厂。这是美国企业在越南的最大一笔投资。

    Intel last week unveiled plans to build a $ 1bn semi-conductor assembly and testing facility in Ho Chi Minh City , the largest investment by a US company .

  5. 本文在半导体封装行业ERP系统的模块结构的基础上完成了ERP系统中生产管理系统的需求分析,其中包括业务流程、功能结构以及数据流程的分析和描述;

    On the basis of the structure of the ERP system in the semiconductor manufacturing industry , the thesis discusses demand analysis of the subsystem of the production management , including the description and analysis about the business flow , the function structure and the data flow .

  6. 目前在半导体封装制程中,裸芯片通过芯片互连方法将其焊区与封装外引脚连接起来完成一级封装,经切筋成型后通过焊接工艺与基板(PCB板)连接。

    Currently in the semiconductor packaging process , the die chip connect with Lead frame pin by the chip interconnect to achieve the one step package , and after Trim / Form chip connect with the substrate ( PCB board ) by the soldering process .

  7. 以半导体封装生产基地长电科技有限公司企业信息系统需求为基础,提出了可行的实施CD-ERP工程的发展战略和目标以及系统的体系结构,并在实践中得以验证。

    In this paper , based on the analyses of the requirements for information system of ChangJiang Electronic Technology Co. LTD. , a famous package base of semiconductor in China , the feasible strategy and system mechanism on CD-ERP project are put forward .

  8. 苏州三星半导体封装工艺及产品可靠性保障体系

    Assembly Process and Product Reliability Assurance System In Samsung Suzhou Semiconductor

  9. 半导体封装作业调度的群体智能近似动态优化

    Approximate Dynamic Job-shop Scheduling Optimization for Semiconductor Assembly Based on Swarm Intelligence

  10. 半导体封装测试厂库存控制系统的研究

    The Study of WIP Control System in Semiconductor Assembly and Test Factory

  11. 半导体封装快速养护炉是半导体封装过程中的一个关键设备。

    The snap curing oven is key equipment in the semiconductor packaging .

  12. 基于主成分分析的半导体封装质量控制系统

    Quality Controlling of Semiconductor Assembly Based on Principal Components Analysis

  13. 对当前的半导体封装技术的发展、主要的封装过程等进行了介绍。

    The main workflow and development of the packaging process is introduced .

  14. 用在几乎所有半导体封装上。

    Leadframes are used in almost all semiconductor packages .

  15. 半导体封装测试系统的生产能力规划

    Capacity Planning in Semiconductor Assembly and Test Manufacturing System

  16. 半导体封装快速养护炉辐射传热分析

    Analysis of heat radiation in a snap curing oven

  17. 基于虚拟机的半导体封装测试数据获取技术研究

    A Study on Data Acquiring Technique in Semiconductor Packaging Test Based on Virtual Machine

  18. 功率半导体封装外包业务将迅速增长

    The Coming Boom in Power Semiconductor Packaging Outsourcing

  19. 半导体封装对于芯片来说是必须的,也是至关重要的。

    Regarding the chip , it is not only necessary but also a must .

  20. 半导体封装测试生产线的流程复杂,资源多样。

    Semiconductor assembly and test manufacturing is highly complex with intricate processes and resources .

  21. 目前,引线键合技术已经成为半导体封装中广泛应用的互连方法。

    Now , wire bonding has been the most popular interconnection technique in semiconductor device packaging .

  22. 半导体封装过程中要广泛地使用到各种封装流体,以实现电气互连或对芯片进行机械保护。

    During packaging various liquid will be used to realize the electric interconnection or protect the chip .

  23. 功率半导体封装技术的发展趋势

    Trends in Power Semiconductor Packaging

  24. 树脂传递模封装是广泛使用的可靠性量产性均好的半导体封装方法。

    Transfer molding is widely applied in semiconductor packaging technology by itssuperior in mass production and reliability .

  25. 论文提出的解决方案为半导体封装中芯片与基板可焊性提供有益帮助和参考。

    This Paper proposed solutions for the semiconductor chip and package substrate solderability provide useful help and reference information .

  26. 综述了溴代环氧树脂在铜箔层合板、半导体封装材料和防火剂方面的应用技术进展。

    The advance in application technique of brominated epoxy resin in copperclad laminates semiconductor sealants and fireproofing agents were reviewed .

  27. 最后根据某大型半导体封装测试工厂的实际数据进行实验。

    In addition , an experiment is carried out based on the actual data of a large-scale semiconductor assembly and test manufactory .

  28. 半导体封装;模糊分析层级程序法;模糊分析网路程序法;供应商;决策分析。

    Semiconductor packaging ; Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process ( FAHP ); Fuzzy Analytic Network Process ( FANP ); Supplier ; Decision analysis .

  29. 针对半导体封装等工业应用对图像模板匹配的速度要求很高的特点,进行了快速模板匹配算法的研究。

    The template matching algorithm of digital image is studied to improve the matching speed that is critical for the semiconductor packaging industry .

  30. 热压超声焊接是半导体封装行业的关键技术,一个焊点的焊接通常在20毫秒左右完成,并且要求焊点具有较高的一致性。

    Nowadays , a welding spot is completed in about 20 ms , and high consistency of all welding spots is demanded by semiconductor packaging industry .