
  • 网络auxiliary medical service;AMS
  1. 重复是不可避免的,但是您可以绕开它与医疗辅助队。

    Repetition is unavoidable , but you can get around it with AMS .

  2. 医疗辅助队亦参加了由教育统筹局统筹的青年职前综合培训计划(展翅计划)。

    The AMS also participated in the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme co-ordinated by the Education and Manpower Bureau .

  3. 医疗辅助队运输组和乐队相继成立。

    The transport division and the AMS band were set up .

  4. 应急特遣队〔医疗辅助队志愿架构〕

    Emergency Response Task Force [ Auxiliary Medical Service volunteer structure ]

  5. 救护车组〔医疗辅助队总部〕计算机辅助部分程序设计

    Ambulance Section [ Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters ] computer-aided part programming

  6. 遗失医疗辅助队制服应怎办?

    What shall I do if I lost the AMS uniform ?

  7. 公务员训练及行政组〔医疗辅助队总部〕

    Civil Service Training and Administration Section [ Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters ]

  8. 某些产品也可认证的医疗辅助队,汽车工程师协会和其他标准。

    Certain products can also be certified to AMS , SAE and other standards .

  9. 您可以记录的事件,鼠标和键盘,和重放时的速度,使您的愿望与医疗辅助队。

    You can record the events of mouse and keyboard , and replay at the speed you desire with AMS .

  10. 辅助护士分队〔医疗辅助队〕城乡医疗救助住院救助比例测算方法

    Auxiliary nurse team [ Auxiliary Medical Service ] Calculation method of the inpatient assistance reimbursement proportion in the urban and rural medical assistance

  11. 赛门铁克建议用户切换到医疗辅助队'报告'管理警示的环境,禁用或卸载队作为临时缓解。

    Symantec recommends users of the AMS switch to'Reporting'to manage alerts in their environments , and disable or uninstall AMS as a temporary mitigation .

  12. 医疗辅助队救护车组,主要为有需要的?民免费提供非紧急救护车运载服务。

    The main task of the ambulance service in the auxiliary medical service is to provide a free non-emergency ambulance transfer service to the public of the hksar .

  13. 为了改善队员在灾难现场紧急救护伤者的服务质素,医疗辅助队由一九九八年开始为志愿队员推行为期三年的灾难医疗助理训练计划。

    With a view to improving the quality of emergency care at disaster scenes , the AMS introduced a three-year Disaster Medical Assistants Training ( DMAT ) Programme for its volunteer members in1998 .

  14. 卫生署署长是医疗辅助队的总监,须就该队的有效运作向行政长官负责。医疗辅助队的编制共有100名公务员。

    The director of health is the Commissioner of the ams , and is responsible to the chief executive for the efficient operation of the organisation , which has an establishment of100 civil servants .

  15. 为维持队员熟练的灾难医疗技术,辅助队重新设计了技术提升训练课程,在常规训练时使用。

    In order to maintain their DMAT proficiency , a newly designed Enhancement Training Programme has been introduced into the regular training of the members concerned .