
  • 网络tethered satellite
  1. 为了简化绳系卫星系统(TSS)的控制,对已有的设计方法进行了改进,提出了一种新的控制律设计方法。

    In order to simplify the control of tethered satellite system ( TSS ), a new design method was proposed by upgrading the existing methods .

  2. 讨论了绳系卫星的纵向振动与姿态运动的耦合.利用Melnikov方法和Poincare截面的计算,证明卫星摆动具有不可预测的混沌行为。

    The plane swing and longitude vibration of the tethered satellite system are discussed in this paper . By the analytical method of Melnikov and numerical calculation of Poincare section , it is observed that the system may perform a chaotic motion .

  3. 讨论了不必回收子星的二体绳系卫星系统(TSS)的变轨方案。

    An orbit-transfer scheme of a tethered satellite system ( TSS ) without the retrieval of the sub-satellite is discussed .

  4. Hohmann转移释放绳系卫星的方法研究

    The deployment of tethered subsatellite with Hohmann transfer

  5. 本文对绳系卫星的动力学与控制问题进行了研究。

    The dynamics and control of the tethered satellite are investigated .

  6. 空间碎片对绳系卫星冲击的影响分析

    Impact effects from space debris on a tethered satellite system

  7. 空间机械臂稳定绳系卫星回收的研究

    Space Manipulator for The Retrieval of The Tethered Satellite

  8. 飞行时间不受约束的绳系卫星最优控制

    Optimal Control for Tethered Subsatellite with Free Flying Time

  9. 绳系卫星系统二维平面运动和常规动力学

    Regular dynamics of in-planar motion of tethered satellite system

  10. 一组新的绳系卫星系统广义坐标

    A new set of generalized coordinates for tethered systems

  11. 绳系卫星释放及工作态动力学分析

    Dynamics of deployment and libration of tethered satellite systems

  12. 基于椭圆轨道的绳系卫星伸展及释放过程仿真研究

    Research on Simulation Deployment and Release Process of Tethered Satellite System in Elliptic Orbit

  13. 绳系卫星系统复杂模型研究

    A sophisticated dynamical model of tethered satellite systems

  14. 基于粒子群算法的绳系卫星展开与回收控制

    The Deployment and Retrieval Control of the Tethered Satellite Based on the PSO Algorithm

  15. 论绳系卫星系统的运动中心

    The motion centre of tethered satellite systems

  16. 绳系卫星系统系绳展开及剪断后轨道参数的计算

    The Calculation of the Orbital Parameters of a Tethered Satellite System after Tether Deployment and cut-off

  17. 绳网捕获系统是一种由绳系卫星技术的应用发展来的在轨捕获系统。

    The tethered-net capture system is a new On-Orbit capture system that develops from Tether satellite technology .

  18. 绳系卫星在近地空间应用和深空探测方面有重要的用途。

    The tethered satellite has important applications in both near earth space utility and deep space exploration .

  19. 由绳系卫星系统运动中心概念推导出的每小段系绳张力的平均值,被用于系统振动频率的求解。

    By the concept of the centre of motion , an accurate expression for tether tension is derived and used in determining frequencies .

  20. 电动力绳系卫星的推力幅值较小且方向固定,完成轨道机动任务的周期长,其最优控制问题的求解比较困难。

    Electrodynamic tethers with low thrust-to-weight ratios can only perform orbital transfers over a large number of revolutions , which poses a real challenge to short time scale optimal control methods .

  21. 本文首先介绍了绳系卫星系统的基本概念、特点及其研究进展,讨论了研究三角形绳系卫星的意义等。

    This indicates that it has practical significance to investigate this system . Firstly , we introduce the basic concepts , characteristics and the progress of the research of the tethered satellite formation in this dissertation . The significance to study the triangular tethered satellite has also been discussed .

  22. 绳系子卫星的展开

    Deploying of Tethered Subsatellite

  23. 可变绳长绳系卫星系统的一种简单张力控制策略

    Simple Tension Control Strategy for Variable Length Tethered Satellite System