
  • 网络Medical Waste
  1. 可能地例句:apotentiallyvolatilesituation有可能动荡的局势焚烧有潜在危害的医疗垃圾

    burning potentially hazardous medical waste

  2. 医疗垃圾中含有1.1%~2.1%的氯,氯是HCl和二恶英类物质生成的必需元素。

    Medical waste contains 1.1 % ~ 2.1 % chlorine , which is the imperative component of HCl and dioxin .

  3. RITS设计完成的用于医疗垃圾处理的等离子体炉包括垃圾自动上料装置、等离子发生器系统、主炉、尾气处理系统及自动控制系统共5部分。

    The thermal plasma system used for the medical waste treatment , designed by RITS , consists of 5 parts : waste self-feeding unit , plasma generator system , main furnace , off-gas treatment system and automatic control system .

  4. 结合工程应用,分别简要介绍了SKR型医疗垃圾焚烧炉控制系统的控制方案、监控对象及系统特点。

    This paper introduced the control scheme of the control system for SKR ? medical garbage incinerator , the inspection objects and system characteristic of the control system combined with the application of project .

  5. 广州地区医疗垃圾处理状况调查

    The investigation of the status medical garbage disposal in Guangzhou area

  6. 医疗垃圾焚烧炉低空气系数燃烧实验

    Experiment on low air ratio combustion of a medical waste incinerator

  7. 医疗垃圾焚烧炉飞灰水泥固化体的浸出特性研究

    Leachability of Cement Solidified Forms for Medical Waste Incineration Fly Ash

  8. 医疗垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的蒸发特性

    Evaporation Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Hospital Waste Incineration Fly Ash

  9. 医疗垃圾外热式固定床热解气化技术

    Pyrolysis and Gasification Technology of Medical Wastes in External Heated Fixed-bed Reactor

  10. 试论医疗垃圾的危害和处理

    Debate the Harm and the Processing of the Medical Rubbish

  11. 医疗垃圾典型组分热解和气化的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Pyrolysis and Gasification on Typical Components of Medical Waste

  12. 垃圾热值及成分变化对焚烧炉的影响新型医疗垃圾焚烧炉热力计算及优化

    Influence of waste heat value and component change on incinerator

  13. 1000kg/h医疗垃圾焚烧炉的设计

    Design of 1000kg / h Medical Treatment Garbage Burning Stove

  14. 武汉市医疗垃圾处理现状调查

    Investigation of Current Situation of Medical Wastes Disposal in Wuhan

  15. 医疗垃圾洁净燃烧炉优化与炉内冷态流场数值模拟

    Optimization and Flow Field Numerical Simulation for an Incinerator for Medical Waste

  16. 医疗垃圾焚烧处理控制系统的设计与实现

    The research and implementation of the control system for incineration of medical wastes

  17. 医疗垃圾焚烧处理的自动进料和清洗系统

    Auto-feeding and Clean System in Medical Waste Incineration Treatment

  18. 医疗垃圾焚烧炉控制系统介绍

    The Introduction for Control System of Medical Garbage Incinerator

  19. 基于可编程序控制器的新型医疗垃圾处理系统设计与开发

    A New Type of Medical Waste Disposal System Based on Programmable Logic Controller

  20. 对武汉市医疗垃圾处理的调查分析

    Investigation on the Disposal of Medical Garbage in Wuhan

  21. 长沙市医疗垃圾管理处置状况及特性研究

    Characterization and management of medical waste in Changsha City

  22. 电弧炉熔融医疗垃圾焚烧灰的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Melting of Hospital Waste Incineration Ash by Electric Arc Furnace

  23. 医用玻璃及医疗垃圾灰渣的结渣特性研究

    Slagging characteristics of medical glass and hospital waste slag

  24. 小型医疗垃圾焚烧炉温度的实时控制

    Real-time Control of Small Medical Waste Incineration Temperature

  25. 长沙市医疗垃圾处置现状

    Investigation on Management of Medical Wastes in Changsha

  26. 两种医疗垃圾焚烧炉的灰渣特性研究

    Study on characteristics of ash and slag from two kinds of hospital waste incinerations

  27. 采用热等离子体系统处理医疗垃圾

    Medical Waste Treatment by a Thermal Plasma System

  28. 临汾市医疗垃圾处理的现状及对策

    The Present Situation and Countermeasure of the Treatment of Medical Garbage in Linfen City

  29. 医疗垃圾高压蒸汽消毒器设计

    Design of autoclave for disposal of medical waste

  30. 医疗垃圾热解气化的原理

    Principle of Pyrolysis and Gasification of Medical Wastes