
yī shēng
  • doctor;Dr;physician;surgeon;mediciner;medical man;medico;sawbones;medicine man
医生 [yī shēng]
  • [doctor;physician;surgeon;medical man;medicine man] 唐时设置学校令人习医,凡学医的人称为医生。今则用为业医治病者通称

医生[yī shēng]
  1. 我根据医生的建议做了手术。

    I had the operation on the recommendation of my doctor .

  2. 医生安慰他说,没什么严重的病。

    The doctor reassured him that there was nothing seriously wrong .

  3. 医生对我说我必须卧床休息。

    The doctor told me I had to stay in bed .

  4. 你应该每年至少去看两次牙科医生。

    You should visit your dentist at least twice a year .

  5. 医生排掉了一些液体以缓解压力。

    The doctor drew off some fluid to relieve the pressure .

  6. 医生被指责滥用抗生素。

    Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics .

  7. 医生让我服一个疗程的止痛药。

    The doctor put me on a course of pain-killing drugs .

  8. 是一位叫戴维斯的医生做的手术。

    It was a certain Dr Davis who performed the operation .

  9. 一些医生涉嫌有不道德行为。

    A number of doctors came under suspicion of unethical behaviour .

  10. 你怎么能忽视医生意见的绝对重要性呢?

    How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion ?

  11. 医生们对提高烟草税计划给予了支持。

    Doctors have backed plans to raise the tax on cigarettes .

  12. 医生按蜂鸣器叫下一个病人进来。

    The doctor buzzed for the next patient to come in .

  13. 她是一位具有强烈使命感的医生。

    She is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation .

  14. 看起来医生的直觉是对的。

    It seemed that the doctor 's hunch had been right .

  15. 关于我何时可以再开车的问题,医生没有表态。

    The doctor was non-committal about when I could drive again .

  16. 医生担心这疾病可能会蔓延。

    Doctors are worried about the possible spread of the disease .

  17. 要是他的病情恶化,我们就请医生。

    If he gets any worse we 'll call the doctor .

  18. 我讨厌让医生在我身上戳戳点点的。

    I 'm sick of being poked and prodded by doctors .

  19. 医生说他不能举重物。

    The doctor said he should not lift heavy weights .

  20. 医生们不愿对新疗法作出评论。

    Doctors are hesitant to comment on the new treatment .

  21. 你这家伙,别只是站着——赶紧去找医生呀!

    Don 't just stand there , man ─ get a doctor !

  22. 医生也许会允许她下周回去上班。

    The doctor may allow her to return to work next week .

  23. 医生给我的药片不管事。

    The pills the doctor gave me aren 't working .

  24. 医生说我必须卧床休息。

    The doctor said I had to stay in bed .

  25. 你最好找医生治治你的咳嗽。

    You 'd better see a doctor about that cough .

  26. 医生对这种疾病还不太了解。

    Doctors still don 't understand much about the disease .

  27. 医生检查伤口是否有感染的迹象。

    The doctor probed the wound for signs of infection .

  28. 她去找医生看病,说自己一阵一阵地头昏。

    She went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells .

  29. 那地方还疼,因此我去看了医生。

    It was still painful so I went to see a doctor .

  30. 我极力劝她去看医生。

    I tried to persuade her to see a doctor .