
  • 网络medical biotechnology;Medical Biotech
  1. 根特VIB-UGent医学生物技术中心的研究人员表示,从一只名为“温特”的羊驼身上提取的抗体在实验室测试中减少了冠状病毒感染的传播,变种包括在内。

    Researchers from the VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology in Ghent say antibodies taken from a llama named Winter have reduced the spread of coronavirus infections , including variants , in laboratory testing .

  2. 到目前为止,医学生物技术领域的可专利主题仍然存在很大的争议,主要包括:人体基因、克隆方法、转基因动物的可专利性引起了学界和社会的广泛争议。

    So far , considerable controversy exists as to what can be granted a patent right in the field of medical biotechnology , such as human genome , cloning , the patentability of transgenic animals .

  3. 现代生物技术蓬勃发展,特别是医学生物技术领域发展更快。

    Modern Biological Technology is developing greatly , especially in the field of medical biological technology .

  4. 医学生物高技术研究动态

    The progress in study on the medical biotechnology Medical Science

  5. 关于医学院校生物技术专业建设和人才培养的思考

    Reflections on the construction and talents training of the specialty of biotechnology in medical schools

  6. 医学生物高技术及其产业

    Medical Biotechnology and Industry

  7. 最后根据医学领域生物技术的特殊性,对医学领域生物技术的专利授权标准与传统的专利三性进行对比分析,显现出医学领域生物技术专利的特点。

    Finally , comparative analysis on the medical field of biotechnology patent licensing standards with the traditional patent sexual .

  8. 我们研究这些指数技术从医学,生物技术,人工智能,机器人技术,纳米技术,太空技术,来发现如何能多项培训并利用这些技术去影响重大未实现的目标。

    And we look at these exponential technologies from medicine , biotech , artificial intelligence , robotics , nanotechnology , space , and address how can we cross-train and leverage these to impact major unmet goals .

  9. 近年来,随着医学科技与生物技术的发展,已经涌现出不少新的血管形态学研究方法。

    In recent years , the development of medical science and technology and biological technology has spawned numerous new methods for study of vascular morphology .

  10. 随着航空航天、国防、现代医学以及生物工程技术的发展,对小型化设备和微小尺寸零件的需求越来越多,并且形状精度、尺寸精度和表面质量要求极高,对现有制造技术带来严峻的挑战。

    With the development of aeronautics , national defense and modern medical biotechnology , miniaturization equipments and micro-magnitude parts with high dimensional precision are needed , high shape precision and surface quality are required , so that traditional manufacturing technology is facing severe challenges .

  11. MEDLINE是该馆编制的著名的生物医学文献数据库,隶属于美国国立医学图书馆的国家生物技术中心并且在因特网上提供免费数据库使用,该数据库在2000年进行了改版,提供了强大的检索功能。

    National center for biotechnology information provide free MEDLINE service on INTERNET and it has powerful function .

  12. 具有较高荧光量子效率的水溶性卟啉化合物在化学、医学、生物学以及生物技术等领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    The water-soluble porphyrins , with high fluoresence quantum yield , have attracted much attention due to their potential applications in chemistry , medicine , biology and biotechnology .

  13. 基因组结构和遗传语言的研究是现代生物学的前沿和竞争的焦点,对未来生物学、医学、农学和生物技术的发展有十分重要的意义。

    The study on genome structure and genetic language is a modern biology frontier and competitive focus , and plays an important role in further development of biology , medicine , agriculture and biotechnology .

  14. 基础医学研究所主要从事与军事医学和临床医学相关的基础医学与生物高技术研究。

    The Institute of Basic Medicine Sciences is mainly engaged in researches on the basic medical and biological high technology related with military medicine and clinical medicine .

  15. 本文论述了生物技术专业建设在医学院校中的意义和对医学科学发展的深刻影响,并就医学生物技术专业建设和人才培养提出了建议。

    The article analyzed the significance of the biotechnology major construction in medical universities and the profound effects on the development of medical science . The suggestions to the construction of medical biotechnology major and talent training have been made .