
  • 网络medical social work
  1. 本文通过参与式观察和非结构化访谈的民族志研究方法,探索了深圳市P医院医务社会工作资源链接与整合的实务内容。

    By participant observations and unstructured interviews , this paper has studied the linkages and integrations to resources of medical social work of Hospital P in Shenzhen .

  2. 医务社会工作调解医患纠纷的途径与方法

    Ways and methods of medical social work in settling medical dispute

  3. 医疗体制改革呼唤医务社会工作

    Reformation of Medical System Calls for Medical Matters and Social Work

  4. 医务社会工作对肿瘤疾病治疗康复的介入

    Intervention of Medical Social Work into the Therapeutic Rehabilitation of Tumor

  5. 中国医务社会工作历史悠久,积累宝贵经验。

    There is long history of medical social working in China .

  6. 医学整合与医务社会工作在社区的发展

    The Development of Medicine Integration and Medical Social Work in Community

  7. 医院管理的层次结构与医务社会工作的角色

    Levels of hospital management and social work roles of medicine

  8. 医务社会工作在协调医患关系中的作用调查

    An Investigational Analysis of Medical Social Work in Coordinating the Doctor-patient Relationship

  9. 医院建立医务社会工作制度的可行性研究

    Feasibility Research of Establishing Medical Social Work System in Hospital

  10. 医务社会工作职能及其在我国的发展

    Functions of Medical Social Work and Its Development in China

  11. 医务社会工作改善医患关系的机制研究

    The mechanism of medical social work in improving doctor-patient relationship

  12. 医务社会工作价值与医患纠纷的调解

    The Value of Medical Social Work and the Mediation of Medical Dispute

  13. 本文是一项有关医务社会工作介入慢性疾病患者的个案研究。

    This article is about a case work in Chronic Diseases Patient .

  14. 医务社会工作专业教育初探

    Primary exploration on professional education of medical social work

  15. 我国医院试行医务社会工作的初步研究

    Study on medical social work in hospital in China

  16. 构建和谐医患关系与医务社会工作的专业使命

    Forming Harmonious Doctor-Patient Relation and the Sense of Professional Mission of Medical Social Works

  17. 论医学模式的演变与医务社会工作概念的发展

    On The Evolution of Medicine Pattern and the Medical Affairs Social Work Conception Development

  18. 医务社会工作在和谐医院构建中的专业使命及其策略

    Professional Mission and Tactics of Medical Social Work Servic for Building of Harmonious Hospital

  19. 中国医疗救助政策框架分析与医务社会工作实务战略重点

    China Medical Assistance Policy Framework Analysis and Strategically Priority in Medical Social Work Practice

  20. 探讨医务社会工作在社区养老中的作用

    Exploring the Function of Medical Social Work in the Community Care for the Elderly

  21. 论医院人文服务体系格局中的医务社会工作

    On Medical Social Work in the Patterns of the Humanistic Service System in Hospitals

  22. 在医务社会工作实践中,目标、技巧和伦理是三个不可分割的因素。

    Medical social work practice , goals , skills and ethics are three inseparable factors .

  23. 最后总结了在医务社会工作的推广中应注意的问题。

    At last , it pointed out the issues we should pay attention to in medical social work .

  24. 转型期中国医务社会工作服务范围与优先介入领域研究

    Study on the Service Scope and Prior Intervene Field of Chinese Medical Social Work in the Transformation Period

  25. 包括资源整合及心理、行为倡导。3、医疗机构中的医务社会工作。

    Including the integration of resources and psychological acts of advocacy . 3 , medical institutions , medical social work .

  26. 同时,从文献上分别回顾了康复学领域、医务社会工作领域、小组社会工作领域的相关研究。

    Correlated research respectively from the rehabilitation science field , medical social work field and group social work field was reviewed .

  27. 医务社会工作正以其专业性、多样化的服务在医疗服务领域发挥着越来越大的作用。

    Medical social work with its professional , diversified services play an increasingly important role in the field of medical services .

  28. 医务社会工作做为现代社会工作发展的新兴领域,在我国的发展尚属于起步阶段。

    Medical social work in China as the emerging field of modern social work , development is still at an initial stage .

  29. 在恢复医务社会工作过程中,医务社会工作发展的优先领域、战略重点与介入策略至关重要。

    In the process of medical social work resumption , the prior field , strategic emphasis and intervene tactics are very important .

  30. 发展医务社会工作,设置医务社会工作部门成为医院人文管理、和谐管理的必然要求。

    Developing medical social work and establishing department of medical social work is the request of hospitals humanities management and harmonious management .