
  • 网络Regional science
  1. 试论国外区域科学研究的特点、问题及趋向

    Regional Science Abroad : Characteristics , Issues and Trends

  2. 区域科学&地理学的重要分支

    Regional Science : An Important Branch of Geography

  3. 区域科学和数学教育中心

    Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics

  4. 我国区域科学研究前沿介绍&兼评《区域经济学原理》

    Review of China Regional Science Studies : Comment on Principle of Regional Economics ;

  5. 试论区域科学学科体系

    On the discipline structure of Regional Science

  6. 空间结构的研究既是区域科学研究的重要内容,也是旅游学研究中的核心问题之一。

    The study of spatial structure is not only an important aspect of regional science but also a hard core of tourism .

  7. 根据珠江三角洲的实际情况,并在经济地理学、城市地理学、区域科学等理论的指导下,开发了针对该区域一体化研究的模型分析系统。

    Regarding the condition of the Pearl Rive Delta , a model analysis system concentrated on Regional Integration study is developed under the direction of the theory of economic geography , urban geography and regional sciences .

  8. 本文旨在综合运用现代化理论和区域科学理论研究广西区域教育发展,揭示广西教育现代化的区域发展规律,选择适应区域未来发展和变革需要的教育模式,来推进广西区域教育现代化的进程。

    This article aims for development of Guangxi by means of the theory of modernization and regional science , exploring the regional regularity of Guangxi education modernization and choosing modals of adapting changing and reforming of Guangxi education .

  9. 本文简要指出了区域科学的研究趋势逐渐由静态的、均衡的方式向动态演化的方式转变,并开始应用复杂科学的理论和方法来研究和分析区域问题,从而形成复杂区域科学研究阶段。

    The research tendency of regional science has changed from static , equilibrium paradigm to dynamic , evolutionary paradigm , which makes use of sciences of complexity to study and analyze the regional problems and its rules of spatial temporal evolution .

  10. 阿拉伯区域社会科学研究及文献中心

    Centre for Social Science Research and Documentation for the Arab Region

  11. 以科学的发展定位引领区域经济科学发展

    Leading Regional Economy to Scientific Development by Scientific Development Orientation

  12. 联合各方力量建设区域海洋科学中心

    Unite All Forces to Establish the Regional Ocean Research Center

  13. 根据模拟结果,为循环区域提供科学的管理方法。

    According to the simulation , the scientific method for managing recirculating region may be given .

  14. 航海区域的科学界定及明晰的名称是海事管理重要的基础性工作。

    The scientific demarcation and explicit nominations of navigational zones are the important basic work of maritime administration .

  15. 本文采用评价科学素养的米勒体系,以四川分区域人口科学素养的调查分析为例,进行区域人口科学素养研究。

    The Paper makes a research in Science Literacy of regional population based on the Science Literacy of regional population survey of Sichuan using the method of the Miller System .

  16. 从区域经济科学发展观的角度,对比并分析其在近代历史上盛衰的深层原因,可以从中得到许多启示。

    In terms of scientific development of the regional economy , to compare and analyze the deep reasons of the prosperity and decline will provide us many inspirations in developing economy in western regions .

  17. 如何在产业转移过程中,实现结构升级和环境保护的双赢,促进山东半岛区域经济科学发展,已经成为地方政府高度重视的具有现实意义的课题。

    During this stage , the local government realized it is of strategic and realistic importance to achieve Double Win of structural upgrading and environmental protection , as well as promote the scientific development of regional economy .

  18. 探寻经济活动与特定空间的运作规律,并针对该空间所属的区域制定科学合理的区域发展战略,对实现区域发展和区域内人的发展有重要意义。

    Explore the operation law of economic activity in a specific space , and to develop scientific and rational regional development strategy for the area which belongs to the space is vital importance for the development of regional and people .

  19. 分析了循环流化床锅炉耐火材料破坏的原因,提出了根据不同性能的耐磨耐火材料和使用区域,科学、合理地选用和安装,以提高经济效益,确保循环流化床锅炉长期安全运行。

    The damage cause of refractory in CFB boiler is analyzed . For increasing the economic benefit and long live safe operation of CFB boiler , refractory should be selected and installed at scientific and rational condition depend upon its different properties and use field .

  20. 为研究与探讨地方高等学校办学方向与地方区域经济科学发展之间的关系、地方高校在区域经济发展过程中的地位何作用、地方高等教育与地方社会经济发展的共兴共荣等问题提供了参考。

    The research could provide some important references to the direction of running universities with the local regional economic development , the functions of the local universities in the regional economic development process and the relationship between the local higher education and the total socio-economic development issues .

  21. 地方高等教育与区域经济的科学发展&以南通为例的实证简析

    On Regional Higher Education and the Scientific Development of Regional Economy

  22. 区域协调员和科学咨询委员会会议

    Meeting of the Regional Coordinators and the Scientific Advisory Committee

  23. 利用层次聚类分析方法重新分析中国东中西部区域划分的科学性。

    Using hierarchical cluster analysis , this paper analyzes the China region three classifications , east , middle , west .

  24. 对其成因机制的探讨是桂中环境治理和区域开发的科学基础。

    Investigating mechanism of its formation is the scientific foundation of environmental harness and regional development in the middle Guangxi .

  25. 通过发挥区域优势,科学布局,形成各具特色的海洋经济区域。

    It should play through the regional advantages , scientific layout to form different regional marine economy with all kinds of characteristics .

  26. 连续区域是环境科学、土壤科学等领域中广泛存在的一类地理实体。

    Continuous region is a kind of most common entity in many fields such as environment science , land information science and so on .

  27. 对区域创新系统科学全面的评价可以度量创新的效果,也有利于使整体决策科学化,降低创新风险。

    To appreciate the innovation performance of regional innovation system can measure the innovation performance , make the decision-making scientific and reduce the innovation risk .

  28. 城市是人类生存活动的重要区域,构建科学合理的城市森林是营造和谐城市环境的有效途径。

    The city is an important region for human social activities . Constructing scientific and reasonable urban forest is an effective way to construct harmonious city environment .

  29. 为此,开展本项研究,以朋获得适合本地区的十地利川遥感监测技术方法。为区域资源的科学管理提供技术支持。

    Therefore , this research is carried out to find out the land use monitoring techniques suitable for this region , so as to provide technical support for land use scientific management .

  30. 作为饮食文化的研究者,理应从多种角度切入到健康饮食的核心区域,用科学思想来充实健康饮食的园地,提出更多的健康理论和健康方案,不断升华饮食文化研究的规格。

    As the researchers of dietary culture , we should focus on the core field of healthy diet , enrich the healthy diet with scientific thoughts and put forward more health theory and healthy formula .