
  • 网络vector representation;Vectorial representation
  1. 产品方案CAD的一种矢量表示方法

    A Vector Representation Method of Product Scheme CAD

  2. 这些数据还非常便于搜索地图或用矢量表示的各种图层。

    These data also make it much easier to search the map or the vector representation 's various layers .

  3. DEM中汇水盆地的自动提取及矢量表示

    Automatic extraction and vectorized representation of river basins from DEM

  4. 高层建筑结构CAD中剪力墙节点几何归并的点阵表示法和矢量表示法

    The dot matrix indication method and vector matrix indication method for grouping together shear wall nodes in the tall building CAD system

  5. 基于参数方程的矢量表示方法,导出CNC系统中三次B-样条曲线的一种高速插补算法。

    Based on vector expression of parametric equation , a high speed interpolation algorithm for a third-order B-spline curve in CNC systems is proposed .

  6. 根据三次参数样条曲线的矢量表示方法,导出了一种CNC系统中样条曲线的实时插补算法。

    Based on the vector equation , a real time interpolation algorithm for the cubic parametric spline curve in CNC systems is proposed .

  7. 本文针对部分极化波情形,利用电磁波的Stokes矢量表示法研究了极化信号的优化接收问题;

    In this paper , the problem of optimal reception of partially polarized signals is investigated by means of Stokes vector description of EM waves .

  8. 试用矢量表示岩层真厚度

    The use of the vector in expressing the true thickness of strata

  9. 有限元分析中位移的求解及矢量表示

    The Solution to Displacement from Finite Element Analysis and Its Vector Expression

  10. 基于矢量表示系统模型的方法,导出了最佳解调器的结构。

    The structure of the optimal coherent detector is derived .

  11. 提出了一种用综合矢量表示并考虑了主磁路瞬态饱和时的感应电机数学模型。

    In this paper , a saturation space vector model of induction machine is presented .

  12. 电磁场的复矢量表示

    The complex vector expression of electromagnetic field

  13. 本文以简单矢量表示阴影的生成,能够直观明了的表现物体在不同光线下的阴影形成状态。

    This thesis use simple vector to represent the shade of simple object in the different illumination .

  14. 在许多集群实现中,集合中的项目都是作为矢量表示在n维度空间中的。

    In many implementations of clustering , items in the collection are represented as vectors in an n-dimensional space .

  15. 角动量、力矩等用矢量表示的物理量是对指定的某个参考点定义的。

    Some vectorial physical quantities , like angular momentum , torque , are defined with respect to a given reference point .

  16. E&FBIR系统利用图像的信息熵特征,结合图像位面图的分形维数矢量表示图像,实现了动态的图像检索;

    E & FBIR illustrated the image with image information entropy and fractal vector so as to realize the dynamic image retrieval .

  17. 研究了动画生成的关键帧技术,基于图形的矢量表示法,提出了一种通过网格化一个三维物体来生成中间画的算法。

    A new method of generating in-between was put forward by meshing a three-dimension object based on the presentation of vector graphics .

  18. 在第二章中,主要是介绍了有关米勒矩阵的一些基本知识,同时介绍了与米勒矩阵有着密切联系的斯托克斯矢量表示法。

    In the second Chapter , we mainly introduced the prime knowledge of Muller matrix and the notation of Stokes vector close relatively .

  19. 提出了一种依次用矢量表示特征卢、进行线性插值产生中间画面的关键画法,并给出了实现方法。

    Then a key frame method using vectors representing the characteristic points to make linear interpolation is given to create between frame drawings .

  20. 针对3维型面采用误差矩阵和误差矢量表示方法,建立3维误差模型。

    In this paper , a 3D error model is established by adopting error matrix and error vector representation method for the 3D surface .

  21. 提出利用布尔矢量表示装配优先顺序,利用图的拓扑排序实现装配任务的自动规划。

    Boolean vector is used to represent assembly priority order , and automatic assembly task planning is realized by means of topology sorting algorithm of graph .

  22. 而在基于内容的图像检索中,图像用高维矢量表示,其相似性度量较为困难,同时,也面临着语义鸿沟问题。

    In content-based image retrieval , Images with high-dimensional vector that its similarity measure is more difficult , and the semantic gap is a problem also .

  23. 探讨了自然光以任意角度入射折射式起偏器的情况下透射光的斯托克斯矢量表示及偏振度所满足的公式;

    Then the Stokes vector formula and polarization formula of the transmitted light are discussed when the natural light is incident the refraction polarizer at an arbitrary angle .

  24. 对关节间隙变量采用二维矢量表示法,分析了机器人关节间隙对机器人末端位置重复精度的影响。

    The effects of the joint clearance variables to the position repeatability of the robot end effector are analyzed using a two-dimensional vector method to define the joint clearance variables .

  25. 为了获得这个惯性力平衡的条件,首先平面三自由度并联机构的质心矢量表示成平台的位置和方向的函数,然后,从质心矢量的表达式中推导惯性力平衡的条件。

    In order to obtain the balancing conditions , the position vector of the global center of mass is first expressed as functions of the position and orientation of the platform . Then , the conditions for static balancing are derived from the expressions obtained .

  26. Net为研究平台,选取一个第二相Fe3Al晶粒为研究对象,依据提出的算法得到晶粒轮廓的矢量化表示。

    Choosing an Fe_ 3 Al grain as the research objective , the factorization representation of a grain contour was obtained on a VC + + . Net platform .

  27. 边缘结构片断(EPS)是本论文提出的用来描述边缘图像结构特征的重要概念,它是通过对边缘图像进行几何划分而产生的,借助本征矢量来表示。

    " Edge-pixel Segment ( EPS )" proposed in this paper is an important concept to represent edge structure features . It is generated by means of geometric partitioning for edge image and described by eigenvector .

  28. 为了提高协方差矩阵的可分辨性,本文将分块思想引入到目标的协方差矩阵表示中,并借鉴SURF特征描述,改进了特征矢量的表示形式。

    So as to enhance the resolution of covariance matrix , by introducing the conception of block combination into the matrix representation , and using SURF description for reference , the paper presented a new feature vector form .

  29. 对用来编码的所有量子态,全部用量子力学的态矢量来表示。这种描述方法的优点是能对QKD系统的量子信息编码、解码过程给出严格的理论描述。

    All of the optical components used in QKD system were described by quantum mechanics operators , and all of quantum states used to encode quantum information were described by quantum state vectors .

  30. 简谐振动方根能量的矢量图表示法

    The Vector Diagram Method of Simple Harmonic Vibration Energy